
Creativity = Health

In honor of the second chakra this week, I am sharing with you an article I once wrote for a feature on Art Snark’s blog many years ago. I still love it and it holds true! How The Simple Act Of Creating Must Create Physical Health I took the scenic route in becoming an artist. The really looooong way around. The kind of path that took me through medical school, residency, and a bit of clinical practice as a physician before I had children and realized my heartsong was to be a mommy and an artist. That kind of long […]

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Rainbow craft goodness

  Last week, my children and I had fun working on a project I had seen all over the bloggersphere… in too many places to even credit (just google crayon art) it is all over Pinterest, StumbledUpon, and blogs galore.     Miles and Clara did an amazing job on theirs… so good I just have to frame and hang them! I just love these… somehow they combine the spirit of childhood with freedom and flow… melting crayons into something new, each one totally unique… it is just pure fun.   If you want to create your own this weekend,

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