
12 Ideas For Instant Solar Plexus Chakra Relief… TODAY!

Okay my friends, as I blogged about on Monday… I’m a solar plexus type of gal.   This is a painting I painted of me… re-balancing my solar plexus.   This is the one chakra I have to constantly balance and re-balance in order to keep it open. So I’m a pro at this and I’ve got lots of tips for those of you who may benefit from a little solar plexus balancing yourself.     Do any of these sound like you? irritable bowel issues constipation weight struggles (either over or underweight) binge eating addictions diabetes self-worth issues stomach […]

12 Ideas For Instant Solar Plexus Chakra Relief… TODAY! Read More »

Thoughts on Health… Dealing with negative people

It’s my b-day as I type this, so I’m going to take a step back and let the lovely Hibiscus Moon take over for today. I was introduced to her blog by Krista (thank you Krista!!!) and fell in love with a blog post in which she shared her 5 favorite ways to diffuse negativity when other people are bringing negativity into your space. So without further ado…. here she is! Hibiscus Moon, ladies and gents!     How To Deal With Negative People In 5 Sparkly Steps: 1. Be aware. Who are those negative peeps? Do you know? Sometimes,

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