
Thoughts on health… the creative process aint always pretty.

    Hi! I spent a good portion of the weekend having fun with my paints and papers and favorite quotes for a set of artwork I’m creating called Quote Splat. For no other reason then I woke up one day and decided to write down my top 10 favorite quotes of all time and illustrate them. I’m going to start showing them to you every Wednesday starting this Wednesday and giving them away each week for free! Because creating anything… whether it is art or a meal or a new way to help your loved ones laugh or a […]

Thoughts on health… the creative process aint always pretty. Read More »

Laughing at my face

My kids are constantly breaking down my walls for me, and I feel like a newer, lighter human being because of their joy and love. Damn we are lucky to have our kids, aren’t we? Seeing the natural overwhelming beauty that my daughter possesses blows every other preconceived notion of “beauty” out of the water for me. Barbie doll? Ridiculous. Laughable to me, even. And here is how… My daughter takes one look at the towers of catalogs and models that wait for us each day in our mailbox… people who are so beautiful that they are getting paid for

Laughing at my face Read More »