
Grounding To Balance Your Hormones

Hormones are the signs in your body telling each organ system how to function together.   Hormones are all about the interplay between organ systems and keeping the entire human body safe and functioning as one… that’s their role. So when grounding supports our hormone balance, it’s so exciting, because that means grounding is not just helping one specific organ system but instead it’s impacting how you feel and function as a whole. The classic example is how our gut interplays with our hormones. Conventional medicine is just starting to realize how gut inflammation and what we eat affects many […]

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This supplement decreases diabetic pain (and decreases asthma flares too!)

I’ve already told you about a recent study that shows low Vit D is a risk factor for developing diabetes. Today’s medical literature review further confirms the role of Vitamin D in not just preventing diabetes, but actually treating diabetic pain once it has already developed…. …after just ONE DOSE!   Which is huge. Because not only does Vit D increase insulin sensitivity and prevent diabetes, but it actually gives you a tool to help treat issues such as diabetic nerve pain once it has developed.   The Study: Researchers studied over 140 participants with Type 2 Diabetes who suffered

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Prevent Diabetes with Magnesium Supplementation

Several recent studies suggest that a high intake of magnesium can cut your risk of developing diabetes in half!   Prediabetes (fasting glucose in the 100 – 125 mg/dL range) has been thought to progress almost invariably to diabetes without major lifestyle changes in diet, activity level and even sometime prescription drug intervention. But is there a natural supplement that might actually help prevent Type 2 Diabetes? Several studies answer with a resounding *YES*! We know that magnesium and insulin are linked together — insulin helps transport magnesium into the cells for use in glucose metabolism… and in turn, magnesium

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