law of attraction

Why I wrote my first children’s book ever.

Why did I even do this? Here’s why… What Jake means to me. I wrote this book to say one thing: happiness can meet you anywhere. I really want kids to know that. I want grown ups to know that. I want myself to remember that. I want a book that I can pick up to remind me. You can invite happiness in to meet you right where you stand. Nothing needs to change at all. Joy can flow to you whether you live in a cage, in prison, in a diseased body, or are living your very last breath. […]

Why I wrote my first children’s book ever. Read More »

Jake book now on Amazon!

Look what finally arrived in the mail! It’s been a loooong road writing, illustrating, and publishing my first children’s book. Proofing the book and finally getting it listed on Amazon. I’ve learned a lot along the way, and feel like I have a grasp of the enormous effort that goes into each book I’ve ever read. Especially all of our favorite children’s books I’ve read to my sweet little ones over the years. Reading this book feels so right. Jake is a tribute to my kids, my love for them, my hopes and dreams for their future, my love of

Jake book now on Amazon! Read More »

Our family motto…

Everything always works out for us. We say that out loud to each other almost every day. I know I say that to myself, and really *feel* it, multiple times a day. I was just saying it to myself today and I realized… this must be our family motto. It made me stop and realize how far we’ve come, and wonder how this became our motto. Only a few short years ago this wasn’t a thought that would routinely cross my mind. I felt blessed, no doubt. I felt joy at being a mother and a wife, absolutely. I adored

Our family motto… Read More »