
It’s Summer: Decrease Your Skin Cancer & Photoaging Risk, Naturally

    Well it’s finally summer, and we can capitalize on the fact that outdoors is the safest place to be (even the CDC has published recommendations that all windows in homes, offices, and schools be kept open to increase venhilation) you can take advantage of the fact that sunlight is naturally germicidal and the Vitamin D boost you get is naturally immune boosting and move all of your indoor activities outside! So this brings up concerns about skin cancer and photo aging effects from sun exposure — but don’t let that stop you from going outside. Here’s why. A […]

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Your Skin Is Trying To Tell You Something

Skin can speak to us through the location of the eczema patches we have, through acne, through dry tight skin, hives, changes in hair growth, pigmentation, wrinkles, stretch marks… …and much, much more.     Skin can speak subtly through chronic messages that it whispers to you your entire life… ….or skin can scream loudly and angrily during acute transitions and times of crisis.   But no matter how your skin speaks to you, there is always a message to be appreciated.     Because our skin replicates so quickly, it is a wonderful mirror for what is going on

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