
How To Hear Your Body Tell You What It Needs

  Every single one of us gets a constant stream of information coming to us from a deep, internally knowing of what is best for us in any moment of time — call it a gut hunch, call it a “felt sense,’ call it your inner truth, call it your intuition… whatever you call it, you can learn how to drop your awareness out of your monkey mind and into a deeper awareness that resides in your body. Our bodies are always speaking to us about what is going on inside of us, and all we need to do is […]

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Your Body Is Continually Speaking To You. Here’s How To Listen To It.

  Every single one of us gets a constant stream of information coming to us from a deep, internally knowing of what is best for us in any moment of time — call it a gut hunch, call it a “felt sense,’ call it your inner truth, call it your intuition… whatever you call it, you can learn how to drop your awareness out of your monkey mind and into a deeper awareness that resides in your body. Our bodies are always speaking to us about what is going on inside of us, and all we need to do is

Your Body Is Continually Speaking To You. Here’s How To Listen To It. Read More »

Got A Cold This Winter? Heal Your Throat Chakra And Watch It Go (video)

  If you’ve noticed that you are more vulnerable to picking up colds/sniffles/sore throats right now, it’s time to boost the health of your throat chakra and get your nose and throat radiating health outwardly! I want to help you!   Give me 6 minutes and I’ll help you assess your throat chakra energy flow and help re-align you right now.   And here is a list of other physical symptoms of the throat chakra as well… ..if you have any of these physical symptoms, focusing on throat chakra health will help! Thyroid issues (hyper- or hypo- thyroid) neck pain

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8 Ways to (Almost) Instant Throat Chakra Healing

Getting back to my Chakra Series (to catch up on the first four chakras, click here!) today we are addressing the Throat Chakra.   Ahhh, the beloved throat chakra. Communication Central.   This chakra one has given me some grief recently! If you have followed my blog for a while, you might remember that I developed a throat abscess and had to have surgery to remove my tonsil last winter.   That was no fun… but it also was no co-incidence. Here’s why: I’ve always struggled with public speaking… I had one particularly horrible experience in medical school where I

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