
Decrease Your Pain Without Medication

Pain is a big deal.   Considering pain is the number one reason patients seek medical care and that pain issues affect more Americans than heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined… patients reach for pain medications in alarming amounts at alarming rates and with alarming side effects. Prescription opioid drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the US, and these rates are steadily on the rise. Many pain medications are addictive and cause incalculable harm to the dependent patient struggling with pain issues. I know in my practice working with folks to reduce their dependency on addictive […]

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Tylenol Found to Worsen Asthma

Here is one of my newer works of art… a mixed media collage I created out of my old medical school anatomy book. I call it A New Rx and after you read this post today, I think you’ll be agreeing it’s time for a change in plans. Man. I do greatly prefer revealing the positive side of holistic and natural healthcare and focusing on the good news to be found among the medical literature. But occasionally I come across something that I really want my peeps to KNOW and I want to be sure the this information gets out

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Avoiding Tylenol…

Hi peeps! A new study published online November 22 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology shed some new light on the use of Tylenol. It doesn’t look pretty in this new light. I know it would be easier to turn the light off, but instead, let’s shine a spotlight on Tylenol so that we can help spread awareness, and then lets talk about all the positive wonderful alternatives there are out there. Okay, here is the low down. Taking just a tiny amount more Tylenol then recommended, on a chronic basis, may lead to death. And if not death,

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