
Why Our Brain Craves FAT!!!

This is a blog post I wrote last year and it is the perfect time to re-release it as it explains a bit about what brains need to grow and remain flexible and make new connections. Especially in those early childhood years. I really enjoyed writing this post and hope you will find it full of not only solid medical advice but also heart open intuitive advice as well. Here we go:     Concerned parents ask me all the time if they should be forcing their children to eat a certain amount of veggies each day, and still other […]

Why Our Brain Craves FAT!!! Read More »

FAQ: Our Natural Transition to Vegetarian…

I have been asked four times in the past two weeks about my thoughts on food choices for children, so I figured this is the Universe asking me to blog about it 🙂 Concerned parents were wondering if they should be forcing their children to eat a certain amount of veggies each day, and yet other parents were concerned that their children may not be getting enough meat. I’ve thought long and hard about what I believe. I’ve considered everything I know from my education as a physician and everything I *feel* as an intuitive mother, and I have developed

FAQ: Our Natural Transition to Vegetarian… Read More »