A wonderful reader and poet recently shared a poem she had written about the healing power of Mother Earth with me.
I loved it so much, I asked if I could share it with you here.
Not only that, but we coupled the words with one of my original paintings to create a free printable PDF (just click on the image to print it) for you to have if you could use a little inspiration to go outside and connect with the Earth today.
Let me …
Let me be the ground beneath your feet
Let me comfort you on my soft grasses
Let me relax you on my white sands
Let me refresh you in my cool clear waters
Let me cool you under the leaves of my trees
Let me fill your eyes with the colours of my rainbows
Let me fill your ears with the songs of my birds
Let me fill your nose with the essences of my blossoms
Let me cleanse you with my rain
Let me renew you with my storms
Let me warm you with my fire
Let me feed your body from my soil
Let me quench your thirst from my streams
Let me give you companionship with my animals
Let me be your teacher in all things big and small
Let me give you the secrets of the Universe
Let me give you healing with a simple touch
Let me give you …love
~ the Earth
written by Tricia Sybersma.
Tricia lives in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands and vacations in her hometown of Blue Mountains, Ontario. Tricia enjoys sharing her love for nature, horses, and all animals with her family and friends. She has a facebook page dedicated to the heart connection between humans and horses which you can find here, and to connect with Tricia directly she offers her email: Tsybersma@hotmail.com
Tricia wrote this poem after being inspired by the healing connection she experienced after watching the motion picture The Grounded.
She writes: “After viewing the Grounded movie fall of 2013, I immediately understood the far-reaching importance the Earthing information had to offer.
I ordered my human family the half sheet and car seat kits. I ordered the Earthing pads and plush pads for my animals and personal travel.
I contacted Dr. Laura to assist me in furthering my understanding and maximizing the results. She patiently listened while I ask questions and shared my new insights.
For me, it just makes sense that there is so much more going on beneath our feet, all around us including above us!
As to how it continues to impacted myself and my family? I can write a big yes beside the ongoing benefits outlined in the two movies, the book and other material.
But there is more, a deeper appreciation of the Earth, how we are all connected and designed to work together.
How the Earth is waiting to teach us even more.”
I think her poem perfectly illustrates how deeply the Earth support us.
The only thing limiting Mother Earth’s support of us is our willingness to connect or our willingness to disconnect. To the extent that we seek out a connection to our Mother Earth, that’s the exact extent that we receive that healing from her.
She is always, always, ever available to us. Always.
Want more ideas on how to get grounded to support your health?
I want to be as helpful as possible so I pulled together all my favorite resources on Grounding for you to enjoy, in this:
Grounding Round Up!
Hopefully you will find tons of valuable information and links that you can use to make the most of the information presented in the motion picture The Grounded and The Grounded 2. Please share with your friends and family that might enjoy these wonderful resources!
NEW: Earthingâ„¢ Pillow Covers are fresh in my shop, you can find those here.
Filming the motion picture “The Grounded” and “The Grounded 2”
Part 1 (interviewing Apollo Astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Charlie Duke) and
Part 2 (meeting co-author of the Earthing book: renowned cardiologist Dr. Sinatra)
The DVD of the first motion picture “The Grounded” is available here…
Psssst…. Sneak Peek!
Did you know you can actually watch the sequel, The Grounded 2 (BEFORE its theatrical release) right here?
You can!
The Grounded 2 doesn’t officially release until later this summer, and is not yet available on DVD either…
…but my readers can enjoy the first viewing of the sequel and watch my children and I explore even further into this amazing, healing phenomenon of connecting with the earth.
If you liked the original documentary The Grounded, you are going to be blown away by The Grounded 2!!!
my “Reaching For Guidance“ original artwork
(along with other artwork seen in the motion picture)
The original soundtrack score to the film… from ultra talented composer Stuart Mitchell
Behind the scenes, painting the soundtrack CD:
front and
back covers
The Earthing books:
Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?
and the children’s book:
From The Ground Up
Earthing and Weight Loss Study results —
How does getting grounded affect your weight?
I’ll tell you exactly how right here…
Earthing resources:
Questions about getting grounded indoors?
Trying to find sheets, patches, blankets? www.Earthing.com
Pillow covers? I’ve got you covered right here
Pluggz keep your feet protected while keeping you connected to the earth!
(And looking damn cute, too!)
Want 10% off of your order of these amazing grounding shoes… the same shoes that I wear every single day?!?!
Just use the coupon code “DRLAURA” at checkout to get
an instant 10% discount!
(yes you can share that coupon code with anyone whose health you care about!!!)
My original earthing video (the full length version of my video featured in the movie!)
Sneak Peek inside the world’s first Earthingâ„¢ Children’s Book
How Healthy Are Your Feet? (a quick test you can do to test the health of your own feet in 1 minute, right now!)
Grounding FAQs
Free Earthingâ„¢ Idea Book — a simple 10 day experiment so you can see the results for yourself!
Ready to see what grounding can do for your own health?
Not sure where to start? I recommend starting directly with the earth instead of with a grounding product.
In this free ebook I will outline how just 10 minutes for the next 10 days can make a big impact in your state of well-being… no products necessary.
Just enter your email address in the sign up box (at the top of the sidebar to your right) to get instant access to this fun Idea Book and healthcare guide!