YAY! I was recently interviewed about Earthing for Fox NEWS.com and enjoyed it so much!
All about the health benefits of Earthing… and this is a pretty major thing to get into mainstream media. Sure, Earthing is all over the alternative medicine websites and loops but so far, not as much exposure in mainstream culture.
In the past few months, though, things are shifting.
I’ve given interviews and published articles in First For Women, FoxNEWS.com Magazine (which made it onto the front page of FoxNEWS) and MaryJanes Farm Magazine… which hits newsstands in September. I’ll keep you posted on that one, it’s a three pager!
So hooray to the common sense healing powers of the earth becoming more widely recognized.
And this is all before The Grounded movie is even finished production, so I really can’t wait to see the impact that has on our world. I spoke with the director last week, who hinted that the movie may possibly be ready for a local screening/sneak-peek as early as this winter, so stay tuned to my blog and I’ll be sure to invite you!!
I’ve spent the last month on my blog going over the lower three chakras, so I thought this would be a great time to take a break and review them all.
In case you missed any, or want to go over what we’ve learned so far, here are the links to the first three chakras and suggestions for balancing them naturally.
Lower Chakra Overview:
- Chakra 1: Root Chakra healing
- Chakra 2: Sacral Chakra healing
- Chakra 3: Solar Plexus Chakra healing
I’m taking Wednesday off to catch up on my patients and to get further along on painting my children’s Earthing picture book, but I’ll see you here next Monday for my very favorite chakra: The Heart Chakra.
Till then… xoxo, Laura