
Antidepressants Increase Risk Of Death… Luckily There Are Incredibly Powerful Alternatives That Work

No doubt antidepressants can be life saving to those in a major depressive episode, and I am absolutely not suggesting that those on an antidepressant should discontinue use. But I do think it’s important to highlight new information about how antidepressants are affecting the health of your entire body… not just brain function.   While antidepressant use can be supportive to healthy mood, they are also affecting everything from your circulatory system to your cancer risk. And… on top of that… there are incredibly powerful holistic ways to treat depression that are medically proven to work even BETTER than antidepressants […]

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Sleep Increases Your Recovery From Depression

A new medical study shows what we can all intuitively feel — — that when we are in a depression, we truly need deep, restorative sleep to recover.     It’s okay to sleep more when feeling depressed — in fact, a recent study released in June 2017 showed that patients who were medically treated for depression but did not sleep well were three times less likely to actually recover from depression. And sleeping 7 hours or more nightly actually tripled the rates of full remission in depression. Here’s more:   The Study: (presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of

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Is Stress Is Making Your Antidepressant Ineffective?

If you take antidepressants, new research shows that a stressful lifestyle has the power to completely remove any healing benefit you may have had from taking that Rx medication.     Environment can completely impact whether or not antidepressant therapy works or not. Behavioral, lifestyle, and environmental stressors absolutely MUST be addressed… and today’s medical report is proof that a medication alone is just not enough to help. Interestingly, people with high levels of job stress are statistically the MOST likely to reach for a drug to help treat depression… yet are also most likely to find that drug therapy

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