
Quote Splat #2… fav quote from Buechner

Listen to your life, See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it No less then in the excitement and gladness. – Frederick Buechner           Okay, so I admit it. Sometimes I really need this reminder. Sure, I can see the beauty in every day and in the earth and the trees and the wind and in my child’s laughter and in my husband’s eyes. Even in the pain of life… But in the boredom? It’s just so… boring. Yet I love that Buechner chose that word specifically… it’s […]

Quote Splat #2… fav quote from Buechner Read More »

Thoughts On Health… Menstruation Part I (or, why I think being a woman totally ROCKS!)

I’m going to start a new topic… several slots for my Skin Care eCourse are still available, if you miss the skin care discussion we had going (Parts One, Two, and Three.) I’ve been excited to delve into this topic for a while now. Last year, I put together an informal talk for all the local homeschool girls that were pre-teen age… dealing with impending puberty. We met at a park and I talked all about periods… hormones… body changes… and you know what? The girls enjoyed it… but the moms are the ones who loved it most! I got

Thoughts On Health… Menstruation Part I (or, why I think being a woman totally ROCKS!) Read More »

Guest blog on being an Artist Trapped in a Physician’s body

First of all, YIPPEE! My blog is back! I hated not being able to post this past week and a half… but I’m up and running again, with a new website. There are lots of new features, starting with a main homepage, and tabs for the shop, my blog, etc… On Monday, I temporarily was able to satisfy my urge to blog (while my own site was down for construction) by guest blogging on the fabulous Art Snark’s blog. I wrote an article on how the world of health collides with the world of art. Please check it out! I’ll

Guest blog on being an Artist Trapped in a Physician’s body Read More »