
Save Time To Play, Even After Returning To School. It’s Essential For Health At Any Age

Play is not only a relief and a respite from the seriousness that stress, illness and trauma bring to our lives, it is actually therapy.   Play time is therapeutic time, point blank.  Child psychologists use this healing tool often, because play is a child’s way to express and release any inner turmoil or fears that the child doesn’t even consciously know they have.   But it isn’t only therapeutic for children, it’s therapeutic for adults too. In fact, I would argue that engaging in some form of play daily is one of the best things you can do to safeguard your physical health.   From physical […]

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How To Connect With Abundance: Financial And Creative FLOW!

    Feeling the flow of energy through your second chakra …your Sacral Chakra… is ***THE KEY*** to feeling abundant at all times. Not just abundance flowing out of you creatively in your career and in your personal life, but coming full circle to you in receiving mode so that abundance can shower blessing back upon you as well.   If any part of your abundance loop is missing: if you are feeling less playful, or noticing less laughter in your life lately if you feel a drought in your creativity or less inspiration radiating out of you or… if

How To Connect With Abundance: Financial And Creative FLOW! Read More »

Healing Your Lower Chakras… safety, creativity, power

  YAY! I was recently interviewed about Earthing for Fox and enjoyed it so much!   All about the health benefits of Earthing… and this is a pretty major thing to get into mainstream media. Sure, Earthing is all over the alternative medicine websites and loops but so far, not as much exposure in mainstream culture. In the past few months, though, things are shifting. I’ve given interviews and published articles in First For Women, Magazine (which made it onto the front page of FoxNEWS) and MaryJanes Farm Magazine… which hits newsstands in September. I’ll keep you posted

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Creativity = Health

In honor of the second chakra this week, I am sharing with you an article I once wrote for a feature on Art Snark’s blog many years ago. I still love it and it holds true! How The Simple Act Of Creating Must Create Physical Health I took the scenic route in becoming an artist. The really looooong way around. The kind of path that took me through medical school, residency, and a bit of clinical practice as a physician before I had children and realized my heartsong was to be a mommy and an artist. That kind of long

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Tired? Why your sacral chakra needs your attention right now!

Last week I talked about the base chakra and the physical symptoms you might be feeling (and how to release them!) if you have base chakra issues. Today, let’s move on to our second chakra, the sacral chakra.   Patients who come to me feeling tired, in adrenal fatigue, burnt out, desiring more energy and missing that fresh spark of creativity they used to have are my second chakra peeps.   Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? horrible PMS, painful cramps or miserable perimenopausal symptoms infertility struggles low back pain sciatica pain chronic fatigue or loss of joyful energy

Tired? Why your sacral chakra needs your attention right now! Read More »

The number one question I hear from patients…

  What do you do when your kids want to sled in the middle of winter, but you live in SC? Well, you grab an old cardboard box and head to your nearest hill, of course! It’s not exactly like sledding in snow, but it is still a ton of fun… and no frostbite!   What is the number one question I hear from my patients (and friends and family too?) It’s “How do you have all that energy?“ I don’t have any extra energy. I didn’t get any more than you did. I’m not a particularly young parent (I

The number one question I hear from patients… Read More »

I want to talk to you!

    I was a bit nervous, but had SOOOO much fun chatting with Tracy Liebmann on In the Flow with Tracy.   We touch on so many topics: How art heals Creating = Health Where our health issues arise is where our creative process is blocked Release through any creative outlet Stop trying to fix everything Being and allowing, create health Our natural state of being is health Blending Medicine and Art Stop problem solving and start creating! Finding, then following your souls purpose Releasing the need to define everything How to draw creative energy into you What the

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