dirty electricity

The Secret Behind A “Grounding Detox” — What Your Symptoms Are Really Telling You

    I get questions all the time from readers who are told that the negative symptoms they feel while grounding are a “grounding detox.” They are told that the tingling electrical sensations they feel, or the resultant restlessness, anxiety, insomnia & headache, are all part of the grounding process and that if they continue, it should go away. But then it doesn’t, and they email me asking for advice. So today, I want to share what I tell these folks — there is no such thing as a grounding detox. What you are feeling is a measurable, palpable AC […]

The Secret Behind A “Grounding Detox” — What Your Symptoms Are Really Telling You Read More »

PureGround EMF Filtering & Shielding Cord: Your FAQs, Answered

  You all know how crucial I believe it is for our body’s to be connected to the earth outside, grounded.   And you also know how much I want to protect our bodies from EMFs and the harm done to our tissues from radiation exposures, which is now a medical fact.   Wanting to maintain the robust innate health of the human body through grounding while still shielding it from exposures to resonant EMFs and dirty electricity is what lead me to partner up with an electrical engineer (who graduated with his PhD from MIT) to develop the PureGround

PureGround EMF Filtering & Shielding Cord: Your FAQs, Answered Read More »

Grounding Around EMFs and Dirty Electricity… A Medical Perspective

What happens to the human body when we are grounding indoors… around EMFs and dirty electricity? Give me a few minutes of your time to explain by clicking the video below:     I’m not a physicist or an electrical engineer. So I don’t pretend to know all there is to know about electricity, but I do know the human body. And I know how the human body is responding to being grounded, indoors, surrounded by EMFs, cell phones, wires, power lines, etc… all around. And the body’s response, hands down, every time, is to heal.   We know from

Grounding Around EMFs and Dirty Electricity… A Medical Perspective Read More »