
Using Grounding To Treat Anxiety … What The Medical Literature Says

    I’ve been anxious my entire life.  I can’t remember a day when I did not wake up with a huge knot in my stomach that felt like death was gripping my solar plexus and sneering up at me. Unfortunately the medical literature is pretty clear — anxiety has major health effects, but it’s equally clear that those deleterious health effects are actually reversible.  Meaning, if you suffer from anxiety, it’s very worth addressing, not just for the relief on a daily basis but also for the longevity benefits. Today, as someone who very much knows the felt sense […]

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Can Cutting Out Bread Actually Improve Your Mental Health?

    Long time readers of my blog already know, since I blogged about this almost a decade ago, that gluten is a neuro-irritant — meaning it causes inflammation in the brain and has been linked to cognitive decline, even dementia.  I wrote this article for you back in 2014 to help explain how dementia could be considered a gluten-induced condition. More recent evidence suggests that not only does the brain inflammation that gluten causes affect your brain, it might also be affecting your mental health, including causing or worsening mood disorders like depression and anxiety. As someone who has

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What You Eat Is Making Your Anxiety Worse

Today I wanted to share some foods that are medically proven to worsen anxiety, and some foods found to help lift anxiety.   Did you know treating anxiety actually adds years to your life span? More on that in a moment. But first, let’s not worsen or trigger your underlying anxiety with the wrong foods. Nutritional psychiatry is a real thing — using nutrition to treat mood disorders can transform your life and make huge shifts in your ability to function and even thrive, despite having a predisposition towards anxiety.   Two foods that might be worsening your anxiety:  

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Is Stress Is Making Your Antidepressant Ineffective?

If you take antidepressants, new research shows that a stressful lifestyle has the power to completely remove any healing benefit you may have had from taking that Rx medication.     Environment can completely impact whether or not antidepressant therapy works or not. Behavioral, lifestyle, and environmental stressors absolutely MUST be addressed… and today’s medical report is proof that a medication alone is just not enough to help. Interestingly, people with high levels of job stress are statistically the MOST likely to reach for a drug to help treat depression… yet are also most likely to find that drug therapy

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The One Thing You Can Do Daily To Lift All Types Of Depression… Naturally

We all know that getting morning light each day significantly improves seasonal blues (or winter depression.) But a new study shows that light therapy lifts depression — even depression that is NOT seasonally related — *more effectively* than antidepressant drug therapy.   The assumption has always been that major depressive disorder is different from seasonal depression, but this study shows that light therapy can be used on it’s own to treat depression whether seasonal or not. Published in JAMA Psychiatry on Nov 18, 2015, this placebo controlled study supports the use of a non-pharmaceutical intervention over a pharmaceutical intervention, which

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