Are You Kidding Me? What Diet Drinks Are Really Doing To You

File this under: I’m not surprised.   But all the same, a new medical study shows us the disturbing proof that eating foods and drinking diet drinks with artificial sweeteners in them actually changes how your body is able to handle glucose… increasing your risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Makes sense… you are basically training your body to have an abnormal response to sugar by feeding it artificial sweeteners. What I didn’t know is how quickly your body slows down it’s insulin response and begins to abnormally uptake glucose in the gut and concentrate it in the bloodstream. Two weeks! […]

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Cut Your Risk Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Half… Easily

Vision loss from diabetes is becoming a massive world wide problem, increasing by 65% in the past 20 years.   In 2010, over 4 million people world wide suffered from vision loss and blindness due to diabetes. But there is a very easy, holistic, inexpensive way to cut those numbers in half. Imagine saving the eyesight of 2 million people world wide. Enter… omega fatty acids. As if I didn’t already love Omega 3 Fatty Acids enough… …now they are medically proven to save your eyesight!   I’ve blogged over and over about my love of Omega 3 fatty acids,

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Prevent Diabetes with Magnesium Supplementation

Several recent studies suggest that a high intake of magnesium can cut your risk of developing diabetes in half!   Prediabetes (fasting glucose in the 100 – 125 mg/dL range) has been thought to progress almost invariably to diabetes without major lifestyle changes in diet, activity level and even sometime prescription drug intervention. But is there a natural supplement that might actually help prevent Type 2 Diabetes? Several studies answer with a resounding *YES*! We know that magnesium and insulin are linked together — insulin helps transport magnesium into the cells for use in glucose metabolism… and in turn, magnesium

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