
Could You Be Electrosensitive? You Can Actually Find Out Right Now

  The simple answer is yes, you are electrosensitive. We all are. Every single cell in your body is conductive, every single organelle inside of each cell, every single cell membrane, the extracellular fluid around each cell, the intracellular fluid inside of each cell… yep, it’s all conductive. Which is why grounding is so powerful — the moment one single cell in your body touches the earth, this amazing conductivity grounds your entire body from head to toe, just like flipping on a light switch — in one instant — ahhh…. you are grounded. But exactly what makes our body […]

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The Secret Behind A “Grounding Detox” — What Your Symptoms Are Really Telling You

    I get questions all the time from readers who are told that the negative symptoms they feel while grounding are a “grounding detox.” They are told that the tingling electrical sensations they feel, or the resultant restlessness, anxiety, insomnia & headache, are all part of the grounding process and that if they continue, it should go away. But then it doesn’t, and they email me asking for advice. So today, I want to share what I tell these folks — there is no such thing as a grounding detox. What you are feeling is a measurable, palpable AC

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Electrosensitivity and Grounding: How To Protect Your Conductive Health

    With modern society’s rapid and persistent rampage on creating ever stronger and stronger electromagnetic fields that affects our body’s ability to function, I want to make sure that our connection to the earth stays as safe as possible. Because even as our environment declines, we must find ways to preserve our healthy connection to the earth outside. After all, your conductive health is your biggest ally in healing and maintaining robust wellness for a lifetime. Connecting to the earth is the most natural form of healing there is! In fact, the very thing that makes grounding so powerful

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Shielding: Your Ultimate At Home Guide + How To Diagnose Electrohypersensitivity With Your Physician

      In 2011, the World Health Organization classified man-made EMFs as potentially carcinogenic (category 2B) with many countries establishing Electrohypersenstivitivy (EHS) as a diagnosable and treatable illness, with guidelines on treating electrohypersensitivity published and updated routinely. Today I’m going to go into why man-made EMFs are an issue, give you tons of ways to decrease these exposures in your own home, and then provide a hands-on guide that will give you all the tools you need to figure out if you are Electrohypersensitive (EHS) and how to address it with your own in person physician. Exposures to mandmade

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Tips To Help Anyone Who Is Electrosensitive (EHS) Feel Better

Have you ever tried grounding and actually felt worse instead of better?   You are not alone, it happens all the time and it’s probably because you are electrohypersensitive (EHS). To me simply means you are so in touch with your own body, you can literally feel what so many people can’t: that you are a fully conductive organism and can feel your own conductive body interacting with the electrical activity of the environment around you. I think it’s a good thing to be that in touch with your own body.   I get so many questions on why grounding

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How To Tell If You Are Electrosensitive And What To Do About It

At the recent 5G conference I spoke at, it became really clear to me that most people are not quite sure if the are electrosensitive or not. And unfortunately for most, their physician had not asked about EMF exposures or taken EMF exposures into account when addressing health issues. So… when will physicians become serious about the diagnosis and treatment of electrosensitivity? Soon.   There is a huge movement of physicians who are becoming aware and clear on how the non-stop onslaught of EMF exposures are affecting the physiology of the human body. Many physicians feel that autoimmune disorders, inflammatory

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