
Thoughts on Health… A Poem That Wrote Itself

a close up on my All Is Well original painting Welcome back from the holidays!!!! This Monday I was planning on doing a FAQ about Homeschooling… until I woke up this morning with a poem half out of my head and the other half wiggling out. I didn’t want to forget a word of it, so I grabbed a dull pencil from my nightstand and wrote the words down in the margins of the closest book I could find. I’m walking a very raw path right now… transforming and still in the creative process of merging my old life (analytical, […]

Thoughts on Health… A Poem That Wrote Itself Read More »

Why I wrote my first children’s book ever.

Why did I even do this? Here’s why… What Jake means to me. I wrote this book to say one thing: happiness can meet you anywhere. I really want kids to know that. I want grown ups to know that. I want myself to remember that. I want a book that I can pick up to remind me. You can invite happiness in to meet you right where you stand. Nothing needs to change at all. Joy can flow to you whether you live in a cage, in prison, in a diseased body, or are living your very last breath.

Why I wrote my first children’s book ever. Read More »

Poem of My Life

This is a poem about my life. It is very raw and real and the truest thing I know, for me. It is the story of my existence. I feel like I’ve had two lives… I’ve been two people… the person I was before my family, and the person I have become, almost instantly, after becoming a mother. The person I was before… I don’t love to think about her. I was creative and full of energy, but also full of nerves and never ever comfortable in my own skin. Often critical of others and preferring to compete with life

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