
Sick Of Winter? Me Too. 3 Reasons We Are Both Going To Feel Better Soon

  I’m sick of being cold. I’m sick of the shorter darker days. I’m craving to be outside and luckily this spring I have a whole line up of awesome free healing articles for you on my blog that will help you get outside and feeling the best you’ve ever felt.  If someone has forwarded you today’s article, you can sign up right here to get one free article each week directly into your own inbox.     Today we are going to start with why I know you are going to instantly feel better soon, as spring is just […]

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How Grounding Decreases Your Anxiety Immediately & Keeps It Down Long Term

  I’ve been anxious my entire life.  I can’t remember a day when I did not wake up with a huge knot in my stomach that felt like death was gripped my solar plexus and sneered up at me. Unfortunately the medical literature is pretty clear — anxiety has major health effects, but it’s equally clear that those deleterious health effects are actually reversible.  Meaning, if you suffer from anxiety, it’s very worth addressing, not just for the relief on a daily basis but also for the longevity benefits. Published February 5, 2015 in the British Journal of Psychiatry, researchers

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The Benefits Of Grounding To Boost Brain Health And Improve Cognition

    There is a beautiful relationship between our brain and the electrical field of our planet.  This makes sense, as our sensitive yet complex neurological system has developed over millions of years — all while being bathed in the earth’s natural electrical field. Through recent research, we are just bringing to understand how the earth’s electrical field helps support all of our brain functions — from enhancing mood to supporting cognition to maintaining ideal autonomic brainstem functions (like healthy heart rate variability and breathing patterns) to deepening our restorative sleep at night. Today I’m sharing with you the latest

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Your Essential Fall Health Checklist: How Many Have You Completed?

  The fall Equinox is this weekend, so we are officially headed into fall now!  And for so many of us, shorter days and longer nights means a dip in our mood. Fortunately, there are lots of great things to do to get prepared as the seasons change. Of course there are things like pulling out your sweaters and boots and knitting a scarf or two and planting a winter garden and getting the fireplace cleaned that you might look forward to this fall. But one thing that I get every year, and absolutely never look forward to, is a drop

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Improve Your Mental Health Naturally, Starting With Your Next Meal

    Did you know that gluten is a neuro-irritant — meaning it causes inflammation in the brain and has been linked to cognitive decline, even directly to dementia?  I wrote this article for you back in 2014 to help explain how dementia could be considered a gluten-induced condition. More recent evidence suggests that not only does the brain inflammation that gluten causes affect your brain, it might also be affecting your mental health, including causing or worsening mood disorders like depression and anxiety. As someone who has struggled with anxiety her entire life, I am very interested to read

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How Grounding Boosts Your Mood + 10 Ways It Fits Into Your Day Today

      We’ve know for a long time (and honestly common sense and personal experience tells you this as well) that time spent outside lifts your spirits. In fact a double blind medical study published in 2015 found that participants who were grounded had measurable improvements in mood that were significantly higher than the sham-grounded participants. We also know that inflammation in the body worsens mood and even plays a role in clinical depression.  A medical study published in 2016 found that increased inflammation in the body worsens symptoms of clinical depression, and this one published in 2019 backs

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Can Cutting Out Bread Actually Improve Your Mental Health?

    Long time readers of my blog already know, since I blogged about this almost a decade ago, that gluten is a neuro-irritant — meaning it causes inflammation in the brain and has been linked to cognitive decline, even dementia.  I wrote this article for you back in 2014 to help explain how dementia could be considered a gluten-induced condition. More recent evidence suggests that not only does the brain inflammation that gluten causes affect your brain, it might also be affecting your mental health, including causing or worsening mood disorders like depression and anxiety. As someone who has

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