sore throat

Up To 70% of Antibiotic Use Is Inappropriate… Here Are 8 Things To Do Instead

In a huge meta-analysis, published recently (May 3, 2016 in JAMA) researchers found that up to 70% of antibiotics prescribed during a two year period were actually inappropriate prescriptions.   This is a hugely important study, because with the recent exponential rise of antibiotic resistant infections, each and every use of antibiotics absolutely MUST be warranted. When we truly *do* need to use antibiotics (and they can save lives, make no mistake about that) we need them to WORK. Add on to that the unnecessary chemical load to the body and the potential side effects, both annoying and deadly serious, […]

Up To 70% of Antibiotic Use Is Inappropriate… Here Are 8 Things To Do Instead Read More »

8 Ways to (Almost) Instant Throat Chakra Healing

Getting back to my Chakra Series (to catch up on the first four chakras, click here!) today we are addressing the Throat Chakra.   Ahhh, the beloved throat chakra. Communication Central.   This chakra one has given me some grief recently! If you have followed my blog for a while, you might remember that I developed a throat abscess and had to have surgery to remove my tonsil last winter.   That was no fun… but it also was no co-incidence. Here’s why: I’ve always struggled with public speaking… I had one particularly horrible experience in medical school where I

8 Ways to (Almost) Instant Throat Chakra Healing Read More »

Thoughts on Health… Disease as Evidence of Health

Yes.  I wrote that right.  Disease equals evidence of health.  Or at least the possibility of health.  Think I’m crazy?  Watch my You Tube video to hear me out. It’s my first attempt at a video, and I’d love to know what you think.  I would like to have a video on Thoughts on Health occasionally, as well as silly little things that would be far easier to show you on a video then write about.  Like… next time I henna my hair, I thought I’d give you a sneak peek.  Or next time I’m on an adventure with the

Thoughts on Health… Disease as Evidence of Health Read More »