type 2 diabetes

This supplement decreases diabetic pain (and decreases asthma flares too!)

I’ve already told you about a recent study that shows low Vit D is a risk factor for developing diabetes. Today’s medical literature review further confirms the role of Vitamin D in not just preventing diabetes, but actually treating diabetic pain once it has already developed…. …after just ONE DOSE!   Which is huge. Because not only does Vit D increase insulin sensitivity and prevent diabetes, but it actually gives you a tool to help treat issues such as diabetic nerve pain once it has developed.   The Study: Researchers studied over 140 participants with Type 2 Diabetes who suffered […]

This supplement decreases diabetic pain (and decreases asthma flares too!) Read More »

Cut Your Risk Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Half… Easily

Vision loss from diabetes is becoming a massive world wide problem, increasing by 65% in the past 20 years.   In 2010, over 4 million people world wide suffered from vision loss and blindness due to diabetes. But there is a very easy, holistic, inexpensive way to cut those numbers in half. Imagine saving the eyesight of 2 million people world wide. Enter… omega fatty acids. As if I didn’t already love Omega 3 Fatty Acids enough… …now they are medically proven to save your eyesight!   I’ve blogged over and over about my love of Omega 3 fatty acids,

Cut Your Risk Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Half… Easily Read More »

Prevent Diabetes with Magnesium Supplementation

Several recent studies suggest that a high intake of magnesium can cut your risk of developing diabetes in half!   Prediabetes (fasting glucose in the 100 – 125 mg/dL range) has been thought to progress almost invariably to diabetes without major lifestyle changes in diet, activity level and even sometime prescription drug intervention. But is there a natural supplement that might actually help prevent Type 2 Diabetes? Several studies answer with a resounding *YES*! We know that magnesium and insulin are linked together — insulin helps transport magnesium into the cells for use in glucose metabolism… and in turn, magnesium

Prevent Diabetes with Magnesium Supplementation Read More »