
Migraines Linked To Oral Health

Nitrates have long been revealed as a headache trigger — found in foods like red wine, chocolates, processed meats and some cheeses, migraine sufferers have long been cautioned to avoid foods containing nitrates. This latest study might explain why some people get triggered to have a migraine when consuming nitrate laden foods, while others can eat large quantities without fear of an impending headache.   Turns out, folks with migraine have significantly more types of bacteria in their mouth that processes nitrate into nitrite (nitrate, nitrite and nitric oxide reductase genes) than those who don’t get migraines. More bacteria releasing […]

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Sick Of Getting Sick? Double Check You Are Doing These 8 Things

In a huge meta-analysis, published recently (May 3, 2016 in JAMA) researchers found that up to 70% of antibiotics prescribed during a two year period were actually inappropriate prescriptions. This is a hugely important study, because with the recent exponential rise of antibiotic resistant infections, each and every use of antibiotics absolutely MUST be warranted. When we truly *do* need to use antibiotics (and they can save lives, make no mistake about that) we need them to WORK. Add on to that the unnecessary chemical load to the body and the potential side effects, both annoying and deadly serious, that

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Holistic Protection From Getting Sick When School Starts

As I talked about a few weeks ago on the blog… there is a huge problem with the development of *super bugs* that are resistant to our current arsenal of antibiotics and antivirals, and the problem is only getting worse.     As bacteria and viruses evolve resistance and become more pervasive, I see people reaching more and more for hand sanitizers and wipes. I can’t walk into a supermarket or drugstore or convenience store any more without seeing a box of hand sanitizing wipes right in the entryway. But what you might not know about these wipes, is that

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Up To 70% of Antibiotic Use Is Inappropriate… Here Are 8 Things To Do Instead

In a huge meta-analysis, published recently (May 3, 2016 in JAMA) researchers found that up to 70% of antibiotics prescribed during a two year period were actually inappropriate prescriptions.   This is a hugely important study, because with the recent exponential rise of antibiotic resistant infections, each and every use of antibiotics absolutely MUST be warranted. When we truly *do* need to use antibiotics (and they can save lives, make no mistake about that) we need them to WORK. Add on to that the unnecessary chemical load to the body and the potential side effects, both annoying and deadly serious,

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Thoughts On Health… Eat Your Bacteria!

Hello folks! I hope you are having a great fall so far! I thought I’d do a round-up for you on my favorite way to get my probiotic cultures in. And in my kids. Yes, yogurt has probiotics, but unless you select one that specifically states the amount of probiotic cultures it has on the label, the amount of probiotics you are getting from regular yogurt is really small. At the very beginning of the probiotic trend, I resisted. First of all, I *gasp* actually hate yogurt. My kids and hubby like it but I seriously have to force it

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