
The Benefits Of Grounding To Boost Brain Health And Improve Cognition

    There is a beautiful relationship between our brain and the electrical field of our planet.  This makes sense, as our sensitive yet complex neurological system has developed over millions of years — all while being bathed in the earth’s natural electrical field. Through recent research, we are just bringing to understand how the earth’s electrical field helps support all of our brain functions — from enhancing mood to supporting cognition to maintaining ideal autonomic brainstem functions (like healthy heart rate variability and breathing patterns) to deepening our restorative sleep at night. Today I’m sharing with you the latest […]

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Using The Earth Outside To Clear Your Head And Help You Think

    Do you like spending time in nature? Do you feel like you think more clearly after you have spent a little time outside? It’s not just a coincidence, your brain is actually being put into a healing state and helping you think more clearly, and we have several great medical studies to explain why. We already know that grounding to the earth outside immediately impacts our brains.  This fantastic medical study, published in 2018, documents the brain wave shifts that happen near instantaneously, within milliseconds, recorded via an EEG (electroencephalogram) when the human body is grounded.  Alpha wave patterns

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Working With Your Brain, Not Against It, For Easier Weight Loss

    If you get my weekly newsletter (and sign up here if you don’t!  It’s a fabulous, free, uplifting health resource!) than you already know I turned 50 this year.  On my birthday I shared my mindframe heading into the second half-century of my life, along with some holistic longevity tips: I’m 50 Today! Musings On Turning A Half Century Old + 7 Longevity Tips Well turning 50 had me noticing perimenopausal symptoms — there is no more denying it — and with that has come a bit of weight gain.  I found myself routinely internally shaming myself for

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Improve Your Mental Health Naturally, Starting With Your Next Meal

    Did you know that gluten is a neuro-irritant — meaning it causes inflammation in the brain and has been linked to cognitive decline, even directly to dementia?  I wrote this article for you back in 2014 to help explain how dementia could be considered a gluten-induced condition. More recent evidence suggests that not only does the brain inflammation that gluten causes affect your brain, it might also be affecting your mental health, including causing or worsening mood disorders like depression and anxiety. As someone who has struggled with anxiety her entire life, I am very interested to read

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You Are Made Of Stars (My Latest Painting + A Round Up Of My Favorite Holistic Healing Articles)

    As a physician, every single cell in our body literally seems like a miracle to me. How it functions, replicates, repairs, lives, dies.  The fact that our skin is self healing, our bones fuse back together, we breathe and our heart beats while we use our body to do other things all day long without even thinking about it, how we create life, how little humans grow within us and are born. The fact that all of it, almost every bit of it, comes from cosmic dust and stars — it’s all just so damn magical. We are

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A Super Easy Way To Support Your Brain Health That You Can Do Right Now

      Today I’m sharing with you the latest article I’ve written on grounding, that has been accepted for publication by the American Journal Of Neurology Research. Because you are on my private mailing list, you get to read it (and share it) here first, before it’s available online or in PubMed.  And if someone forwarded this to you, you can also join on my private newsletter list right here! I hope you enjoy it!  It’s got some good food for thought in there, along with a tip of combining grounding with a few deep breaths to immediately support

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Why You Think More Clearly When You Spend Time Outside

    We already know that grounding (touching) the earth outside immediately impacts our brains.   This fantastic medical study, published in 2018, documents the brain wave shifts that happen near instantaneously, within milliseconds, recorded via an EEG (electroencephalogram) when the human body is grounded. Today I want to share with you a sneak peek of my next medical journal publication (submitted for review and accepted for publication in Open Journal Of Neurology & Neuroscience) where I suggest why it’s easier to think, and even get clarity and flashes of insight/intuition, when we are outside in nature.     While grounding

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