
My Latest Painting On Letting Go Of Your Trauma Coping Mechanisms

    I painted this because I, like all humans, have gone through heavy, life altering traumas. And I, like all humans, have built up some impressive coping mechanisms to get me through. But sometimes those coping mechanisms are no longer needed. Sometimes we forget that the storm might have actually passed.  We forget to check to see if it is still even raining. So we walk in the dark heavy shadow of our walls and barriers, and we can’t even see the sun has started peeking out. I had an image of myself, walking with my umbrella over my […]

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Sometimes A Girl Needs To Feel Like A Girl!

  As you know, I’m a natural kind of gal, and after struggling with not liking my hair all my life I have really enjoyed using henna for the past year to create shine and smoothness in my frizzy tangles. But you know what? As much as I love henna and will continue to use it as my fall back go-to conditioning glaze, I hadn’t had a *real* haircut, one in a salon, in a looooong time and I was feeling heavy and drab.       Lucky for me, right in my hometown a faboo new Aveda concept salon

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Rainbow craft goodness

  Last week, my children and I had fun working on a project I had seen all over the bloggersphere… in too many places to even credit (just google crayon art) it is all over Pinterest, StumbledUpon, and blogs galore.     Miles and Clara did an amazing job on theirs… so good I just have to frame and hang them! I just love these… somehow they combine the spirit of childhood with freedom and flow… melting crayons into something new, each one totally unique… it is just pure fun.   If you want to create your own this weekend,

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