
Why You Might Want To Consider Grounding At Work

    Now that Labor Day is over and it’s back to work, I thought I’d write up an article about grounding in the workplace.  If you are not sure what grounding is, I bet you know how it feels. If you have ever felt the relief of walking on the beach or spending an afternoon gardening, then you already know how supportive grounding can be and how it can help mitigate stress. Especially at work, especially when you are putting in hour after hour in artificial light, you are likely to feel disconnected from the natural rhythm of the […]

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5 Crucial Steps To Protect Your Health If You Are Electrosensitive

        Even though exposures to mandmade EMFs are causing increasing health issues, it still remains true that exposures to natural sources of EMFs (the Schumann frequency, from the earth) is an absolutely crucial component of maintaining long term health in living tissues. Conductivity is literally the basis of how our body functions. Everything from your thoughts to your feelings to your sensory experiences to your heartbeat to your breath to your speech to your digestion to every movement you have ever made is all only possible because you are conductive. So while natural earth EMFs soothe and

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5G: The Good News and the Bad News (there is good news!)

5G: You may love or you may hate the advancement in technology that higher speeds might bring, but no matter how you feel about the tech, you are right to be concerned about the health ramifications.     Although the increase in the EMF and radiation exposures will have ramifications on humans, animals, vegetation and the environment of our planet earth, I am going to focus today on the health effects of 5G on the human body. I get emails from worried readers constantly, like this one:   Do you have any advise on the soon coming 5G that will

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