
How Your Intuition Impacts Your Body’s Health And How To Optimize It

    Intuition is in our cellular structure… literally. There is a physical biology behind intuition. Using intuitive guidance is actually in the design of our cells, in the design of our DNA, it’s in the design of our existence. Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD, pioneered the ground breaking revelation that it is not our DNA that is a master template that our bodies are wired around, but it is actually the exact opposite: DNA stands to serve as a resource for incoming information and directives to use as a raw material for expression. This is the science of epigenetics — […]

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Capturing The Universe

  This week I have a behind-the-scenes on my latest painting for you.   I was asked to create the cover of an AMAZING life-changing book (more on that as soon as it is published and available to the public!!!) It’s about how we weave and intersect and dance our way through our interactions with others during our time on planet earth, and how we can use this spiraling flow to enhance our connection to others and move through our journey more effortlessly!   Our lives are quite literally, the dance of sacred geometry as we spiral through time and

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