
Let Me Help You Move Through (& Release) Difficult Emotions

    A few years ago I became a Death Doula. You would think as a physician we would be taught in detail about the death and dying process in medical school, but we weren’t.  Not at all. We were taught how to pronounce someone dead, how to perform advanced life support to try to stave off death, how to sign a death certificate… but never about the intricacies of it: what the body feels and experiences as the soul prepares to leave it what the dying process looks like what order the organ systems shut down in and how […]

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Reflections On The Death Transition: What I’ve Seen, What I Feel

        As a physician, I’ve had quite a few experiences with patients who were dying, as well as patients who had near death experiences and told me about them. In medical school, I had an attending physician who had a heart transplant. He said as they removed his heart on the operating table, he went somewhere totally different than earth. After putting his new heart in, the surgeon shocked it to get it to start beating again. He says he felt that shock and felt himself feeling pulled back into his physical body and when he woke

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Inspiration For Your Journey Today

I am so blessed to receive emails from a dear soul named Michael.   Michael lives across the ocean from me yet speaks right to the heart of things so clearly that I feel as if he is standing right next to me.   Michael knows about big transitions, about pain, about suffering… and because of this he knows a lot about joy, and love, and interconnection.   You see, Michael has inoperable cancer. And yet, through this journey Michael feels alive, he feels love, and he understands more deeply than most of us that emotions are all interconnected… and

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Thoughts On Health… Death and Dying… revisited.

First, let me say that I really miss the health collage series. I have a collage of the thyroid to share with you, but my (step) grandfather died last week and I have decided to push back the thyroid collage until next Monday. This past week, I’ve been thinking a lot about death and dying, and watching my loved ones grieve. I think I’ve been extremely lucky to have two fabulous role models in my family for death and dying… both my grandmother Grams and my grandfather Cass transitioned quite quickly once death became inevitable. I really admire them for

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