
A Mother’s Love Capable of Helping to Protect Your Health As An Adult

      In honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, I want to share with you one of my all time favorite medical studies. It shows how a little TLC from your mom may actually help protect your health, well into adulthood. Published in 2005 in Dialoges in Clinical Neuroscience, researchers found that the how much affection a mommy rat showed to her babies in their first week of life protected them from future stress later on in life — decreasing their stress response and even lowering stress hormone production. Researchers compared two different types of mom rats, separating them […]

A Mother’s Love Capable of Helping to Protect Your Health As An Adult Read More »

Affection From Your Mom When You Were A Baby May Buffer Your Stress As An Adult

        In honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, I want to share with you one of my all time favorite medical studies. It shows how a little TLC from your mom may actually help protect your health, well into adulthood. Published in 2005 in Dialoges in Clinical Neuroscience, researchers found that the how much affection a mommy rat showed to her babies in their first week of life protected them from future stress later on in life — decreasing their stress response and even lowering stress hormone production. Researchers compared two different types of mom rats, separating

Affection From Your Mom When You Were A Baby May Buffer Your Stress As An Adult Read More »

Changes the world with each breath…

    … that’s my daughter. Intense yet gentle… deep yet easy going… wise yet playful. She is turning 10 tomorrow. She saved my life one day, you know. The day she was born. Literally saved my life. Changed me into the person I always wanted to be… loving, nurturing, full of faith and aware of spirit. Never was able to reach for those things before she came into our lives, and now each day is bathed in spirit and soul, love and faith, tenderness and fun. Thank you so much for blessing us with your life these past 10

Changes the world with each breath… Read More »

My Temper Tantrum

  Okay, I know all the blah blah blah. I know it’s healthy for children to grow up and find their own rhythm and pull away from their parents a little and yadda yadda yadda. I know the reason my daughter feels so comfortable finding her way and asking for space is because I have loved her deeply and thoroughly, and I know that giving her a solid ground is why she is able to fly. Beautiful… usually. But once in a while, I just want to throw a big ol’ temper tantrum and say it like it is: I

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