
Reflections On The Death Transition: What I’ve Seen, What I Feel

        As a physician, I’ve had quite a few experiences with patients who were dying, as well as patients who had near death experiences and told me about them. In medical school, I had an attending physician who had a heart transplant. He said as they removed his heart on the operating table, he went somewhere totally different than earth. After putting his new heart in, the surgeon shocked it to get it to start beating again. He says he felt that shock and felt himself feeling pulled back into his physical body and when he woke […]

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Posture Affects Your Health

I just finished teaching my annual Chakra Healing Class… and one of the most interesting topics came up. On of the participants (thank you Steve!) mentioned that he noticed becoming more short of breath when his posture slumped.   That brought on a wonderful discussion of all the different ways that poor posture literally physically affects your health… …everything from dry mouth and dental issues to decreased oxygenation, decreased sleep quality and even increased ADHD symptoms!     But posture affects more than just our physical body… it affects our spirit.   In class I shared a link to this

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Capturing The Universe

  This week I have a behind-the-scenes on my latest painting for you.   I was asked to create the cover of an AMAZING life-changing book (more on that as soon as it is published and available to the public!!!) It’s about how we weave and intersect and dance our way through our interactions with others during our time on planet earth, and how we can use this spiraling flow to enhance our connection to others and move through our journey more effortlessly!   Our lives are quite literally, the dance of sacred geometry as we spiral through time and

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The most vivid intuition I’ve ever gotten

My lovely grandma passed away early last Friday morning…   As I head up to here part of the country for services and to hug my beautiful precious mother and spend time with her, I feel extremely open to spirit and tender.   It is during these times I like to remember some of my most vivid intuitions and enjoy knowing my grandmother is a part of the pure, positive world of spirit.   I remember my very favorite spiritual vision I’ve ever had and I’d like to share that with you here today in memory of my grandmother’s life

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Empowered Birth Awareness, save the date!

I was watching Good Luck Charlie the other evening with my daughter on The Disney Channel, and the mother of the sitcom went into labor as part of the plot line. As predicted, the following scenes were full of screaming and panic. I leaned over to my daughter and told her, like I have many many times before, that real birth is not like this. That giving birth to a baby is one of the most natural things we do as women, in fact, it is the reason that human being have survived on this planet in the first place!

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A Goddess Delivers…

  A Goddess Delivers, canvas and Giclee prints and cards now available in my shop!   My lovely midwife and herbalist friend Adrienne Leeds, of Abundant B’earth, was generous enough to share a writing from Whapio Diane Bartlett called The Holistic Stages of Labor that I truly enjoyed, and *felt* very much like what I wanted to convey in my painting: “The time of the Birthing Tides generally feels good to women. No matter how tiring or exhausting her journey, the Mother experiences a second wind, a new spurt of energy and excitement. The birth now becomes more of an

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