
These Medical Studies Show How Grounding Benefits Build Over Time

      I get asked all the time if there is any time too short to get grounded.   To that I say no. Grounding is as instantaneous as flipping on a light switch. When you turn on a light, the entire room is illuminated — that’s what happens when one cell in your body becomes grounded: your entire body is grounded. Because your body is instantly grounded at first contact, there is really no time too little for grounding.  Muscles instantaneously decrease in tension, the brain immediately shifts into more healing brainwave patterns, and our autonomic nervous system […]

These Medical Studies Show How Grounding Benefits Build Over Time Read More »

Grounding Benefits Over Time

10 Important Changes In Healthcare Over The Past 20 Years

    I went to medical school in 1996 — almost 30 years ago.  In that amount of time, there has been a lot of positive forward momentum in health and healing, and many diseases that were considered terminal now have amazing outcomes thanks to new developments such as biological therapies for cancer treatment and autoimmune diseases. Advances in our understanding of how to help the body heal are not a new thing — centuries ago physicians used leeches in blood letting, or prescribed time by the sea when they were not sure what else to offer (which I think

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The Pentagon Already Knows That EMFs Are Impacting Brain Function… Here’s Why

    Adding to the most recent blog post I wrote for you on the harmful health effects of man-made EMF exposures, a new article published in Forbes last week shows that even the United States Department of Defense is taking EMF radiation and it’s effects on the human body seriously.   Especially the effects that man-made EMFs have on the human brain.   If you have teens, family members, co-workers, friends or other loved ones that scoff at you when you mention how cellphone radiation and other man-made EMF radiation sources are affecting your ability to think… this is

The Pentagon Already Knows That EMFs Are Impacting Brain Function… Here’s Why Read More »

The One Thing You Can Do Daily To Lift All Types Of Depression… Naturally

We all know that getting morning light each day significantly improves seasonal blues (or winter depression.) But a new study shows that light therapy lifts depression — even depression that is NOT seasonally related — *more effectively* than antidepressant drug therapy.   The assumption has always been that major depressive disorder is different from seasonal depression, but this study shows that light therapy can be used on it’s own to treat depression whether seasonal or not. Published in JAMA Psychiatry on Nov 18, 2015, this placebo controlled study supports the use of a non-pharmaceutical intervention over a pharmaceutical intervention, which

The One Thing You Can Do Daily To Lift All Types Of Depression… Naturally Read More »