
Exactly What A Grounding Detox Really Is, And Exactly What To Do About It

    I get questions all the time from readers who are told that the negative symptoms they feel while grounding are a “grounding detox.”  They are told that the tingling electrical sensations they feel, or the resultant restlessness, anxiety, insomnia & headache, are all part of the grounding process and that if they continue, it should go away. But then it doesn’t, and they email me asking for advice. So today, I want to share with you what I tell these folks — there is no such thing as a grounding detox. What you are feeling is a measurable, […]

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Holiday Eating And Drinking: What Party Foods To Eat (+ Why You Crave What You Do)

  Holiday stress isn’t just stress over picking out the perfect gift, figuring out how to afford travel (damn it’s so expensive!) or balancing social commitments. Most people report that being surrounded by rich holiday foods, alcohol, impulse eating, and weight gain during the holiday season adds a significant amount of stress as well. So as holiday season gets underway I wanted to give you a few tips on how to navigate this tricky but wonderful time of comfort food, decadent desserts, and celebratory toasts.   If there was ever a time that people worry about their weight, it’s during the

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The Party Foods I Reach For Most To Stay As Healthy As Possible During The Holidays

    Well this weekend brings Halloween, which means that the very next day we are going to be hearing holiday music 24/7 with a very quick slide towards Thanksgiving and many other holiday events. And as uplifting as holidays can be, they are also incredibly stressful and emotional. Holiday stress isn’t just stress over picking out the perfect gift, or traveling in the midst of a (hopefully resolving) pandemic, or balancing social commitments. Most people report that being surrounded by rich holiday foods, alcohol, impulse eating, and weight gain during the holiday season adds a significant amount of stress

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Prevent A Fatal Heart Attack Naturally

  I’ve blogged before about how important Omega 3 fatty acids are for your brain, increasing brain volume and protecting against dementia… … and I’ve touched on how Omega 3 fatty acids are super hearth healthy after speaking with cardiologist Dr. Sinatra about holistic heart therapies… … but now there is more proof than ever that if you want to protect your longevity, make sure that consuming omega 3 fatty acids is part of your plan.   A new study, published on June 25, 2016 in JAMA Internal Medicine, shows that higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids lowered the

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Fasting To Decrease Cancer Recurrence

Recently published on March 31, 2016 in JAMA Oncology, new evidence supports the idea that fasting at night reduces the risk of cancer recurrence.   Every night as we sleep we all enter a mini-fasting period before we *break-the-fast* with breakfast each morning. Prolonging the amount of time spent fasting — skipping evening snacks all together and fasting for 13+ hours each night — reduced the risk of breast cancer according to a study that spanned thousands of patients followed for over a decade.   Simply taking care to eat an early dinner and not eating again until breakfast (for

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