
Photography Assignment, week 3.

Oh my goodness. This week is by far the hardest week to share with you. She wanted us to dance in front of the camera. Gulp. I love to dance around with my kids, but they refused to join in with me. Miles cranked a tune on his iPod… he picked Hot Wings (I Want To Party) featured in the Motion Picture Soundtrack of the movie Rio. We loved that movie, by the way! I went out under the sun and got it over with. And yes, right during the song is when the afternoon school bus just had to […]

Photography Assignment, week 3. Read More »

My Favorite Thing… about Fall

By far my favorite thing about fall is getting outside more. I do love the summertime and it’s heat driving us to seek out water… the ocean more times then not, pools and sprinklers are wonderful too… but there is something magical about the cooler temps and the golden leaves that seem to draw us out into our front yard more and more. I love to literally just lay on the grass for an hour, watching the kids mill around with the hose, or chalk on our sidewalk, or… like today… play Frisbee (and yes, as usual… in pajamas). Seems

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My Favorite Thing… In My Backyard.

I love my back yard. It is a sanctuary to our whole family. We head out to our backyard multiple times a day, every day, and mill around together. Sometimes gardening. Sometimes taking care of pets. Sometimes rocking on the back porch swing and listening to the chatter of birds. Sometimes jumping on our trampoline. And now… my newest favorite thing about my back yard… our new tree fort. Built by Precision Woodworks, LLC, we couldn’t be more pleased. We had a vision of a tree fort built around the base of a backyard tree… with super safe and wide

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