
Antidepressants Increase Risk Of Death… Luckily There Are Incredibly Powerful Alternatives That Work

No doubt antidepressants can be life saving to those in a major depressive episode, and I am absolutely not suggesting that those on an antidepressant should discontinue use. But I do think it’s important to highlight new information about how antidepressants are affecting the health of your entire body… not just brain function.   While antidepressant use can be supportive to healthy mood, they are also affecting everything from your circulatory system to your cancer risk. And… on top of that… there are incredibly powerful holistic ways to treat depression that are medically proven to work even BETTER than antidepressants […]

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Up This One Mineral To Up Your Mood

On the December 15, 2013, the medical journal Biological Psychiatry published the results of a huge study that found overwhelming evidence of a link between zinc and depression.   The study showed that folks who are depressed have a lower concentrations of zinc in their peripheral blood than non-depressed individuals.   Looking at both animal studies and preclinical and clinical trials, researchers found that “a growing body of evidence demonstrates that zinc deficiency can induce depressive-like behavior in animals, which can be effectively reversed by zinc supplementation,” and also, perhaps more importantly, that zinc added to antidepressant therapy may produce

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My New Fav Sunscreen

In years past, I’ve recommended Colorescience Sunforgettable SPF 30 powder, which is a powdered form of titanium dioxide that is micronized (yet *not* a nanoparticle) and I’ve also blogged about Mission Essentials, whose sunscreen is locally made and produced… I still like both products and use them from time to time, but they both contain titanium dioxide. In an effort to avoid titanium dioxide, I’ve kept up the search for the ultimate suncare cream.   I’ve found it. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the ultimate in sunscreen: Miessnce Reflect Outdoor Balm. Why is it my fav? It truly absorbs

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