brain health

Preventing Alzheimers…

  (We saw this double rainbow out of our window when we were driving in the rain a few weeks ago… my hubby was driving and I snapped this blurry pic to capture the magic!) Alzheimers runs on one side of my family, so this is a topic very near and dear to my heart. I’d like to do whatever I can while I am still mid-life to protect my brain as much as possible from developing this devastating disease. Thankfully there are some very simple things you can do to boost your brain’s health and help ward off Alzheimers. […]

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Everything Is Possible… an exercise in cultivating wonder

  When nothing is sure, Everything is possible. – Margaret Drabble   “Live In Possibility” On Wednesday we talked about how the brain ages… how it’s natural tendency is to get stuck in routine, limited by the confines of the skull, limited by concrete thinking. As we age, our brain goes literally from being malleable, flexible, growing, open fontanels and unfused skull plates to: encasement in bone linear thinking a huge storage place for labels and facts repetitive neuronal pathways. If you can find a way to keep your neuronal interconnections growing, you literally keep your brain younger. Adaptable. Warding

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Stop Suffering… Embrace Your Adaptability

  “Staying Open Minded”   There’s a lot of suffering in thinking you should know and be right and figure things out and that sort of thing. When we are out there in ego, we believe we can know and should know. When we come back to center, we realize that we don’t know and we don’t need to know. So it’s a coming back to center that has us on the right path. – Cheri Huber The brain is our knowledge power house. It is our database, stores our memories, sorts facts, a filing cabinet which processes new information

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Eat This… Save Your Brain!

Hi Peeps!!! I have a great list of foods for you today as we begin the month of June focusing on ULTIMATE BRAIN HEALTH!!! On Wed and Fri I am going to outline for you the energy of the brain and how we can use our thinking to really facilitate keeping our brains flexible, adaptable and young. You really don’t want to miss that!   In the meantime, I’ve read the latest studies in the medical literature and compiled a great list of foods for you to eat for maximum brain health. Let’s commit to eating these types of foods

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There are always two ways to think…

  This “Think Differently” altered text page was so much fun for me to create. I took my old medical school anatomy lab textbook and spent the day marking up the pages with paint and inks. In the following weeks I’ll share with you several others I created… but they all make the same point: life isn’t linear and we don’t need to pretend that it is! There really are two ways to look at everything… unfortunately we only learn about the surface facts in medical school. We are tested on the labels and names of each part of the

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Thoughts on Health… the Brain, part 2

Part two of Brain Health today… the energetic health of our brains! Coming up on Friday… a painting reveal! See you there! xoxo   When nothing is sure, Everything is possible. – Margaret Drabble     On Monday, we talked about how the brain ages… how it’s natural tendency is to get stuck in routine, limited by the confines of the skull, limited by concrete thinking. As we age, our brain goes literally from being malleable, flexible, growing, open fontanels and unfused skull plates… to encasement in bone, linear thinking, a huge storage place for labels and facts, repetitive neuronal

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