
The Benefits Of Grounding To Boost Brain Health And Improve Cognition

    There is a beautiful relationship between our brain and the electrical field of our planet.  This makes sense, as our sensitive yet complex neurological system has developed over millions of years — all while being bathed in the earth’s natural electrical field. Through recent research, we are just bringing to understand how the earth’s electrical field helps support all of our brain functions — from enhancing mood to supporting cognition to maintaining ideal autonomic brainstem functions (like healthy heart rate variability and breathing patterns) to deepening our restorative sleep at night. Today I’m sharing with you the latest […]

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Disrupted Day/Night Rhythm Increases Mental Illness Rates

A new study shows that disruption of a normal day/night rhythm takes an enormous toll on your mental health. Do you have a circadian rhythm disturbance?   You might if you are restless or active during the night, or are inactive for long periods during the day. That’s all it took to significantly increase odds of mood disorders, cognition issues, and decreased over all wellness. If you feel this might be an issue for you, read on.   The Study: Published May 15, 2018 in Lancet Psychiatry, researchers analyzed data from over 91,000 people wearing wristbands to record activity for

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I Had No Idea This One Neurotransmitter Changes Everything We Know About Aging

Serotonin is historically linked with depression — and poor sleep as well — since serotonin is the precursor to melatonin and folks who are low in serotonin are likely low in melatonin too. (Which sucks because as I blog about here, folks struggling with depression are only likely to have the depression resolve if they are sleeping well.) But today’s medical study truly blew me away, because it reveals that serotonin isn’t just linked with depression and sleep, but with cognition.   In fact, this study suggests that the decline in cognition and memory issues as we age isn’t simply

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Household Chemicals Damage Cognition (And Small Changes You Can Make To Protect Yourself)

A recent study just published May 2016 in the journal Environmental Research reveals the extent of damage that common household chemicals are having on children… … impairing cognitive function and behavioral development.   Chemicals that are routinely found in homes that are implicated in impairing cognitive function of children are commonly found in nonstick cooking pans, carpet pads, upholstery, and in electronics. Exposure during pregnancy to these and other toxic items containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) is now definitively associated with decreased cognitive function of children later in life. These findings show that the mother’s concentration

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How To Age-Proof Your Brain (plus 12 more medically proven anti-aging tips)

According to a recent study just published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, burning calories from physical activity is what preserves brain volume as we age, and is capable of slashing Alzheimer’s risk in half!   Although we’ve long known that being physically active is neuroprotective, this latest study shows a direct correlation between energy expenditure (calories burned from physical activity) and the volume of gray matter in our brains. And excitingly, this brain boost is independent of cognitive status, meaning even elderly who have already begun to exhibit cognitive changes will benefit from increasing their activity level. The results

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Low Vit D Linked To Increase In Dementia And Broken Bones (You Can Prevent It)

Low vitamin D levels are associated with a substantial acceleration of memory loss and cognitive decline, a new study shows.   Published Sept 14, 2015 in JAMA Neurology, researchers looked at baseline vitamin D levels and mental status change in over 380 adults (average age 75 years old.)   Here is what they found:   35% of participants were vit D insufficient. Average vit D levels were lowest among participants found to have dementia (average levels were 16 ng/mL — goal vit D levels are 40 ng/mL or higher according to the Vitamin D Council.) Followed for almost 5 years,

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Prevent dementia AND reduce skin cancer? Yep. Here’s how…

There is one thing you can drink every single day (multiple times a day) that has now been proven to not only prevent dementia but also reduce your skin cancer risk. It’s lovely. It’s warm. It’s invigorating. It’s coffee! Now, I know caffeinated coffee is addictive and I can say for sure I don’t feel my best when I am in a cycle of “needing” coffee to wake me up each morning. However, let me tell you about two recently released medical studies that show the encouraging results of drinking caffeinated coffee every day and you can decide how you

Prevent dementia AND reduce skin cancer? Yep. Here’s how… Read More »