
7 Ways To Turn Winter Solstice Into A One Day Health Reset, Which Do You Choose?

  This weekend brings us the winter solstice (and honestly thank goodness because for my sanity I really need the days to start getting longer again) and the darkest day of the year should naturally be a time of hibernation and restoration… i.e. the best quality sleep of the year. Sleep is so important to your long term well being that you literally can’t live without it… sleep is non-negotiable and absolutely essential for longevity. And the good news is, that no matter how bad your sleep is right now, you are only ever one night away from a good […]

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Using Grounding To Fix Your Circadian Rhythm & Get Deeper Sleep This Winter

    Winter is literally designed to ensure you repair your sleep.  Any sleep deficit you build up over the course of the year gets this one, perfect chance to be eliminated.   The entire world grows darker, your body is gearing for hibernation, and fixing any sleep issues, getting back into a health day/night pattern, is exactly what you need to emerge this spring feeling better than ever. Most people believe that our circadian rhythm is dependent on sunlight to set that pattern for us, but scientists have actually known since 1970 that the earth’s energy field has as

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12 Things To Do Throughout The Day Today, To Improve Your Sleep Tonight

    Just in time for the back-to-school season, I have pulled together a list of 12 things you can do throughout your day to improve the quality of your sleep tonight.  All based on the most current medical literature on sleep quality.  In fact, I recently returned from a medical conference where one of the lectures was on repairing sleep deficits. Something I was very interested in because I’ve always been a poor sleeper all of my life. The take home point that really stuck in my mind, and now when I have a sleepless night I remind myself

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Disrupted Day/Night Rhythm Increases Mental Illness Rates

A new study shows that disruption of a normal day/night rhythm takes an enormous toll on your mental health. Do you have a circadian rhythm disturbance?   You might if you are restless or active during the night, or are inactive for long periods during the day. That’s all it took to significantly increase odds of mood disorders, cognition issues, and decreased over all wellness. If you feel this might be an issue for you, read on.   The Study: Published May 15, 2018 in Lancet Psychiatry, researchers analyzed data from over 91,000 people wearing wristbands to record activity for

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