
Low Energy? Lack of Purpose? Open Your Crown Chakra Today (video)

Do you feel lonely? Isolated? Frustrated? Do you tend to be harder on yourself then you would be on others? Do you take things out on yourself, of feel responsible for things that are out of your control? Do you suffer from insomnia? Loss of pleasure in the small things? Lost the spontaneous laugh you used to have? Loss of fulfillment in your career? Not sure of your true life’s purpose? If any of these things sound like you, let yourself off the hook and open to the possibility that it is simply a matter of rebalancing your crown chakra. […]

Low Energy? Lack of Purpose? Open Your Crown Chakra Today (video) Read More »

Headache and Migraine: why we get ’em and what to do about it.

I have another health video for you today!   I’m still on my mission to decrease health anxiety around the world in as many people as I possibly can. Today I’m going to do this by giving you a deeper understanding of headache and migraine and reduce your stress over getting your next one… …as well as 4 AWESOME things you can do to make a huge impact on the number of headaches/migraines you get.   I’d love to know your thoughts on this and answer any lingering questions you might have in the comments below… xoxoxox, Laura [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6AueR3OGY0]

Headache and Migraine: why we get ’em and what to do about it. Read More »

8 Ways To Support Intuition (and Heal the Third Eye Chakra)

One of my patients came to me complaining of constant migraines. Frustrated after being given an “alls clear” by her family practitioner but still suffering from debilitating headaches and increasing fatigue, she came to me at her wit’s end. Working together through several consultations we were able to elucidate the cause of her symptoms. Turns out her fatigue began increasing when her job position changed to include customer service at work and her headaches are accompanied by dizziness. Going through her past medical history we were able to find out that she is an empath — a highly intuitive person

8 Ways To Support Intuition (and Heal the Third Eye Chakra) Read More »