Is It Safe To Get Grounded Around EMFs?

    This is one of the most common questions I am asked, so I thought today I’d write an article explaining how EMFs and grounding may overlap to cause some unwanted symptoms, and what to do about it to feel better and still get all the health benefits of grounding.   Is it safe to use grounding tools around EMFs?   We know from decades of medical studies on grounding indoors — through grounding tools — that were all conducted in urban areas and some even in hospital settings, the body goes into a healing state even with EMFs […]

Is It Safe To Get Grounded Around EMFs? Read More »

Your 20 Toughest Grounding Questions, Answered.

Here are the answers to all of the grounding questions I am asked most frequently! Have you ever wondered any of these questions yourself?       1: I don’t like being barefoot. How can I get grounded?   You absolutely do not need to get grounded through your feet, this is a total myth. Your entire body is conductive, every single cell of your body is conductive. That means that any body part can ground your entire body immediately. The moment one cell on any part of your skin touches the earth, you are grounded from head to toe.

Your 20 Toughest Grounding Questions, Answered. Read More »

FAQ… What is Medical Intuition?

“Goddess at High Tide”   One week from today exactly, I’ll be looking forward to my teleseminar session for the Enlightened Mom’s Telesummit, where I answer this very question. I will talk for approximately one hour, on May 11th at 7 PM eastern time. I hope you all are planning to call in and join me… I’m a bit shy on the phone and would love to know some friendly readers out there are joining in! Please spread the word… there are lots of good calls to listen into… lots about parenting, a call about nutrition and eating and weight,

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