
Sick Of Getting Sick? Double Check You Are Doing These 8 Things

In a huge meta-analysis, published recently (May 3, 2016 in JAMA) researchers found that up to 70% of antibiotics prescribed during a two year period were actually inappropriate prescriptions. This is a hugely important study, because with the recent exponential rise of antibiotic resistant infections, each and every use of antibiotics absolutely MUST be warranted. When we truly *do* need to use antibiotics (and they can save lives, make no mistake about that) we need them to WORK. Add on to that the unnecessary chemical load to the body and the potential side effects, both annoying and deadly serious, that […]

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Sneak a peek into the world’s first Earthing children’s book!

Whew! This is a corner of my crazy office right now… between patient care and painting my children’s book illustrations I’m feeling quite busy, but joyfully so. I’m painting the final pages of my third children’s picture book… this one’s all about how to support your child’s natural healing powers through earthing.   As I talked about on Monday, earthing can do some awesome things! You are sure to be hearing a LOT more about earthing in the upcoming year — more studies coming out on it’s ability to heal a variety of illnesses and chronic conditions, as well as

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Tylenol Found to Worsen Asthma

Here is one of my newer works of art… a mixed media collage I created out of my old medical school anatomy book. I call it A New Rx and after you read this post today, I think you’ll be agreeing it’s time for a change in plans. Man. I do greatly prefer revealing the positive side of holistic and natural healthcare and focusing on the good news to be found among the medical literature. But occasionally I come across something that I really want my peeps to KNOW and I want to be sure the this information gets out

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