
Winter Checklist — are you pooping, sleeping, eating, hibernating enough?

Here are all the things I have pulled together over the years to keep me feeling my best during the darkest month of the year. And with Winter Solstice coming at the end of the week, this is the perfect time to make sure we are doing all we can to feel our best and slow down and care for our inner spark while the world sleeps on around us.   It’s okay to take these winter months slower, to tend to our inner needs more, and to make sure we are getting lots and lots of sleep. It’s not […]

Winter Checklist — are you pooping, sleeping, eating, hibernating enough? Read More »

Chakras and Food — You are (how you feel about) what you eat!

Hi Peeps!!! Last Monday I talked about my vision that intuition and medicine can be completely compatible with each other, each providing information that can exponentially strengthen health when combined. So today I want to give you the perfect example of this… how medical knowledge of the human body is enhanced by intuitive knowledge about food choices. Many times the food *struggles* that my patients thought they were having weren’t really struggles at all. It was their body trying to tell them what it needs. Often the person has food cravings that are absolutely perfect for the energy work they

Chakras and Food — You are (how you feel about) what you eat! Read More »

Why Our Brain Craves FAT!!!

This is a blog post I wrote last year and it is the perfect time to re-release it as it explains a bit about what brains need to grow and remain flexible and make new connections. Especially in those early childhood years. I really enjoyed writing this post and hope you will find it full of not only solid medical advice but also heart open intuitive advice as well. Here we go:     Concerned parents ask me all the time if they should be forcing their children to eat a certain amount of veggies each day, and still other

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Eat This… Save Your Brain!

Hi Peeps!!! I have a great list of foods for you today as we begin the month of June focusing on ULTIMATE BRAIN HEALTH!!! On Wed and Fri I am going to outline for you the energy of the brain and how we can use our thinking to really facilitate keeping our brains flexible, adaptable and young. You really don’t want to miss that!   In the meantime, I’ve read the latest studies in the medical literature and compiled a great list of foods for you to eat for maximum brain health. Let’s commit to eating these types of foods

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The earth below

    Nothing soothes the mid-winter blahs like delighting in Baker’s Creek heirloom seed catalog, planning a spring garden that is just around the corner (or so I keep wanting to believe!) The earth awaits, my friends! Thanks to saving seeds from last years crop (tutorial here) I had all our standard seeds stored and ready for use for free this year, which left me some extra wiggle room to expand our garden and try out some fun new crops I’ve never tried before. I might have gone a little overboard, but I just can’t wait to get started. In

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Thoughts on Health…. Chocolate for heart and brain health (yes, you heard me… chocolate!)

  Wow, it is my complete pleasure and honor to bring you this tidbit of good news today, published recently in the British Medical Journal. Folks who consume chocolate often… we are talking every single day or even multiple times a day… have about a 40% reduced risk of heart attack and a 30% reduced risk of stroke. In fact, the patients who consumed the most chocolate had the most cardio and neurologic protection. About a third less risk of cardiovascular events and stroke combined attributed to chocolate intake. This was the finding of a huge, meta analysis looking at

Thoughts on Health…. Chocolate for heart and brain health (yes, you heard me… chocolate!) Read More »

Grape Jelly Time

Around here in SC we are wrapping up grape picking season. You have another week or so to get yourself (and your kids!) out there picking the lovely muscadine grapes that are growing right on the vine. After you come home with them, you’ll want to be sure to make the easiest jelly on earth out of ’em. This is my favorite preserve to make, because there is no hulling, cutting, dicing, getting the seeds out, milling, peeling, etc… that comes along with strawberry jelly, apple jelly, cherry, etc. I guess it’s about equal to making my other favorite preserve,

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