
Kindred Spirit, part 2… and last chance to enter the Give-a-way!

Last week, I introduced my friend Aleka and her extrodinary way she views health and healing. Check out her introductory blog post here. This week, she’s back to focus more specifically on how our physical symptoms of illness can lead us down the path of true, karmic healing. It is fascinating and thought provoking. She is generously giving a free hour long session to one lucky reader! To enter, just leave a comment on this post… I’ll announce the winner on Friday. You do not need to live in the area to enter… she can do the session in her […]

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Thoughts on Health….the Brain, Part 2

When nothing is sure, Everything is possible. – Margaret Drabble Last week, we talked about how the brain ages… how it’s natural tendency is to get stuck in routine, limited by the confines of the skull, limited by concrete thinking. As we age, our brain goes literally from being malleable, flexible, growing, open fontanels and unfused skull plates… to encasement in bone, linear thinking, a huge storage place for labels and facts, repetitive neuronal pathways. If you can find a way to keep your neuronal interconnections growing, you literally keep your brain younger. Adaptable. Warding off dementia and other age

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A Kindred Spirit… with a Give-a-way

I have asked a wonderful friend of mine to write a guest post today, because what she has to offer is so in sync with all that I feel about vibrational health and healing. Alexa Thorvalson, Evolutionary Astrologist She and I totally see eye-to-eye on how physical symptoms and disease are a messenger of a deeper truth… looking at physical illness as a gift, a signal from our bodies that point us in the direction of growth, of change… of an inner need that will strengthen us as we listen. Ultimately, health is about restoring a positive energy flow

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Thoughts on Health… the Brain

There’s a lot of suffering in thinking you should know and be right and figure things out and that sort of thing. When we are out there in ego, we believe we can know and should know. When we come back to center, we realize that we don’t know and we don’t need to know. So it’s a coming back to center that has us on the right path. – Cheri Huber The brain is our knowledge power house. It is our database, stores our memories, sorts facts, a filing cabinet which processes new information and fits in into our

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Thoughts on Health… Our Hearts

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi When I sat down to brainstorm how I was going to make an inspirational collage of the heart out of my med school anatomy book, I started by making a list. A list of all the words that I felt represented the *energy* of the heart. Truth. Love. Joy. Heartsong. Re-centering. Life Force. Source. Freedom. Health. Gratitude. Obviously we have a heart to pump blood (and thereby deliver oxygen and nutrition) to every

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Guest blog on being an Artist Trapped in a Physician’s body

First of all, YIPPEE! My blog is back! I hated not being able to post this past week and a half… but I’m up and running again, with a new website. There are lots of new features, starting with a main homepage, and tabs for the shop, my blog, etc… On Monday, I temporarily was able to satisfy my urge to blog (while my own site was down for construction) by guest blogging on the fabulous Art Snark’s blog. I wrote an article on how the world of health collides with the world of art. Please check it out! I’ll

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When my physician self and my artist self collide… look out!

A dozen new cards and three boxed sets are being slowly added to the shop this weekend… I’m enjoying seeing them come to life as cards, after I put so much of my soul into painting each one… it’s fun to think of them reincarnated as a greeting to some dear friend or love! There is one card I want to showcase to you in particular. It is my favorite, but I think it is likely to get overlooked. It isn’t my best painting, or my splashiest colors, or even instantly understandable. But it is my favorite, none-the-less. Because it

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