intuition physician

Why Your Intuition Matters (And How To Access It)

One life at a time, one person at a time, one situation and one problem at a time, intuition can change the game of life as we know it.   And one thing I know about intuition is this: everybody has one and everyone can use it. If I can access my intuition, absolutely without a doubt, so can **you**. I absolutely was THE most conventional person on the planet… since 5 years old my goal was to become a physician and I worked hard to become an M.D. by the age of 26 years old — I was square […]

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The One Thing You Can Do Daily To Lift All Types Of Depression… Naturally

We all know that getting morning light each day significantly improves seasonal blues (or winter depression.) But a new study shows that light therapy lifts depression — even depression that is NOT seasonally related — *more effectively* than antidepressant drug therapy.   The assumption has always been that major depressive disorder is different from seasonal depression, but this study shows that light therapy can be used on it’s own to treat depression whether seasonal or not. Published in JAMA Psychiatry on Nov 18, 2015, this placebo controlled study supports the use of a non-pharmaceutical intervention over a pharmaceutical intervention, which

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Insomnia? 6 Unusual But Effective Ways To Deepen Your Sleep Tonight

In the northern hemisphere, we are deep in the heart of winter… …it’s the darkest time of the year and the perfect time to catch up and fully repair any sleep deficit you have built up throughout the year.   You absolutely, 100% ***NEED*** deep, restorative sleep! This is very important work. Make the time to DEEPLY SLEEP right now, when winter is gently urging you to hibernate. And even if you are in summertime in your part of the world, use this reminder to check in with your sleep habits and make sure you are supporting your health through

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You Are Self Healing

As we head into 2016… the one thing that is crucial for you to know that: You are literally a self-healing machine… …it’s what you *DO* best!   Your: acupuncturist chiropractor nutritionist herbalist therapist physician surgeon massage therapist etc… ALL rely on *your body* to heal itself.   I know I rely on my patient’s bodies to self heal… all health care practitioners do. Click the video below and give me 6 minutes and I’ll explain exactly why and how you can use this innate principle of healing to support your own healing process. And in the last 60 seconds

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