
Saturated Fat Does NOT Increase Mortality

This week, many of us are heading into the holidays.   And as you head into a week of parties and connection and warmth and pot lucks and FOOD… I can think of no better holiday gift than this:   To share with you, directly from the medical literature, the truth that saturated fat does NOT increase mortality.     It’s not about the fat… saturated fat intake does not increase rate of death. It’s about the inflammation and the long term damage that inflammation does to your blood vasculature (and your entire body, from your gut lining to your […]

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A Few Extra Pounds Helps You Survive Infections

Ebola has been front page news all summer, so you would think this recent medical study would be as well…   …but instead, this study on surviving overwhelming infection remains largely hidden.     Of course, anything that shows there is a WIDE diversity to “healthy weight” — that there is a reality so much wider than the current definitions of under weight, “normal” weight, over weight, mild and severe obesity — is hidden by the media.   That makes sense, as the weight loss industry is a 20 BILLION dollar industry IN THE UNITED STATES ALONE!!! So, of course

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The Most IMPORTANT Thing You Will EVER Read About Your Weight.

  Here it is.   This is not something you are going to hear from your regular doc. But it is so so important and you should know it and *feel* this truth: You do NOT need to lose weight… not even one single pound…unless you are morbidly obese. If you are overweight, you actually have LESS risk for dying then someone in the ideal weight category.   And if you are mildly obese, up to BMI of 35%, you have a death rate that is exactly the same as peeps in the “ideal weight” category (check out the chart

The Most IMPORTANT Thing You Will EVER Read About Your Weight. Read More »