
Heart Centered Parenting eCourse starts Monday!

It’s not too late to be added on to my Heart Centered Parenting eCourse. Starting this Monday, it’s three weeks of fun, inspirational, positive, and fresh ways to connect with your child and help encourage their innate connection to health and Well Being to thrive. Just click here and sign up to be added onto the email loop. You’ll get a daily newsletter into your inbox each morning, full of ideas of things to do with your child, each day a new topic. 15 topics in all… all of my favorite ways, as a physician and a mama, to encourage […]

Heart Centered Parenting eCourse starts Monday! Read More »

Changes the world with each breath…

    … that’s my daughter. Intense yet gentle… deep yet easy going… wise yet playful. She is turning 10 tomorrow. She saved my life one day, you know. The day she was born. Literally saved my life. Changed me into the person I always wanted to be… loving, nurturing, full of faith and aware of spirit. Never was able to reach for those things before she came into our lives, and now each day is bathed in spirit and soul, love and faith, tenderness and fun. Thank you so much for blessing us with your life these past 10

Changes the world with each breath… Read More »

Favorite Children’s Books

I was going through our old stash of children’s books… organizing our bookshelves… and I found myself lost in a daze of the sweet sweet memories of reading picture books to my children. Oh how I loved that. Although we have evolved into reading chapter books now, there are so many great children’s books that I found along the way that I want to hold on to. I thought I’d share some of the gems I discovered with you all here, since I know there are mama’s out there with kids young enough to sit on their lap and enjoy

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Kids Rule My World! And Everything They Taught Me, I’ve Put Into This Latest eCourse!

The pictures in today’s post were taken on New Years Eve, at Sullivan’s Island. We had a nice warm day for the last day of 2010… sunny and cool… perfect for rock climbing and beach walking! I love kids. Especially mine 🙂 They have changed my entire existence and I’m richer for it. It’s been such a steep learning curve for me… I’ve gone from being a professional physician and motivated by wanting to succeed in the world of medicine to being a homeschooling mother whose heart does backflips watching my children eat breakfast. I really didn’t feel particularly maternal

Kids Rule My World! And Everything They Taught Me, I’ve Put Into This Latest eCourse! Read More »

Thoughts On Health… FAQ — Parenting Books

My second in my FAQ series, I’m going to continue with book recommendations. Last week I reviewed some great easy to read books that gently introduce an organic lifestyle overview to folks who are interested in learning more about living naturally. This week, I’d like to list some of the parenting books that have helped us develop our particular parenting path. Craig and I both feel like we are here to support our children in any way possible. We feel very much like equals… our parenting style is one of connection to our children… we do not want anything to

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I just came across a collection of poems I had written several years ago, when my kids were babies. This poem is about those intense moments, especially in the earlier years, when you feel that you are spending everything you have, and digging very deeply to find enough energy and time, to care for your kids. I remember those times much more fondly now that they are few and far between. Actually, I miss them. But I still can have moments where I am overwhelmed at everything I need to do, and how important a job it is, being a

Breathe. Read More »