
How To Protect Yourself From 5G

Here are some pictures from the 5G summit I recently spoke at:   (thank you for taking them Melissa, you are the best!)     While I am still waiting for the recording from that event, I had a quick moment while I was between presentations at a medical conference to run up to my hotel room and record some quick thoughts for you about 5G exposures and what you can do to feel more empowered. In the video below, I summarize what I presented at the 5G summit and I give lots of actionable, easy things you can do […]

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PureGround EMF Filtering & Shielding Cord: Your FAQs, Answered

  You all know how crucial I believe it is for our body’s to be connected to the earth outside, grounded.   And you also know how much I want to protect our bodies from EMFs and the harm done to our tissues from radiation exposures, which is now a medical fact.   Wanting to maintain the robust innate health of the human body through grounding while still shielding it from exposures to resonant EMFs and dirty electricity is what lead me to partner up with an electrical engineer (who graduated with his PhD from MIT) to develop the PureGround

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How To Get The Purest Ground Connection

  I get thousands of emails asking me about grounding in areas where there are EMFs present (which, let’s face it, is basically everywhere.)   The truth is that the very thing that makes grounding so powerful is that we are fully conductive human beings with every single cell in our body completely and totally conductive and ready to receive the earth’s healing energy. And the very thing that makes us so susceptible to EMF exposures is that we are fully conductive human beings, with every single cell in our body completely and totally conductive, which means we are affected

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Is It Safe To Ground Around EMFs?

  I must get thousands of emails — literally — asking me about grounding in areas where there are EMFs present (which, let’s face it, is basically everywhere.)       The medical literature is very very clear on this. So today, I wanted to share a ten minute video with you explaining what the clinical response is to your body when you are grounding with EMF fields all around you. This is one question we have a very definitive answer for. I also am going to give you a ton of resources for going further with protecting your conductive

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