
How To Protect Your Teens From EMF Exposures

Today I made a video for you to answer one of my most frequently asked questions: How can I protect my teenager from all the radiation they are exposed to?   These tips aren’t just applicable to teens, but would work well with anyone that seems a little resistant to (or even openly defiant about, lol!) considering that EMFs are harmful to our body’s health. With plans for 5G being implemented throughout our nation (and the globe) and our loved one’s exposures increasing dramatically, any little thing you can do to get them to understand that these exposures come with […]

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Teens Who Eat Fruit Lower Their Breast Cancer Risk

A new study reveals that teens who eat 3 servings of fruit a day have a 25% decreased risk of breast cancer as an adult, compared to teens who eat less than one serving of fruit a day.   Published in the BMJ on May 11, 2016, this study shows that fruit has a preventive effect in preventing breast cancer and that specifically consuming fruit as an adolescent is even more important than consuming them as an adult. The Study:   Researchers examined date from over 90,000 premenopausal female patients (ages 27 – 44 years old) Over 44,000 patients reported

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Bullying Is No Joke, 3 Ways To Protect Your Kids

  Continuing in this Back-To-School month with a focus on the health of our children, let’s talk about something uncomfortable.     Let’s talk about something that we *need* to be talking about more. Let’s talk about something positive that we can do to protect the physical and mental well being of our children for the rest of their lives: end bullying. Published in JAMA Psychiatry in Feb, 2016, the largest study ever to look at childhood bullying documents something we already *know* — that victims of bullying in childhood have painful, lasting ramifications well into adulthood.   The Study:

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Good Moods Are Contagious In Teens (And Prevents Depression)

As I blogged about last week… mood is not just something that colors our day. Our moods actually make a huge difference in our projected lifespan… this is now a medical fact!   On the heels of that study, yet another study was published just last month (August 19, 2015 in the Proc Biol Science) revealing that a positive mood among teens is not only “contagious” and spreads among peers… … but is also associated with enhanced recovery from depression and decreased future risk of depression. And even better, the reverse is not true: depressed mood does not appear to

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Parents, I’m Sick To My Stomach Over This…

As you know, I truly enjoy reporting positive and healing medical information for you, dear reader. And that is the plan for the next 7 weeks, as I walk you through your Chakras from a medical point of view and give you great ideas for supporting your inner healing. But today… I’m sitting here with a knot in my stomach and here’s why. Please consider helping me spread this news: There was a study recently published in Pediatrics (on July 2, 2012) looking at spanking and other forms of physical punishment. As makes common sense, there have been many many

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My Temper Tantrum

  Okay, I know all the blah blah blah. I know it’s healthy for children to grow up and find their own rhythm and pull away from their parents a little and yadda yadda yadda. I know the reason my daughter feels so comfortable finding her way and asking for space is because I have loved her deeply and thoroughly, and I know that giving her a solid ground is why she is able to fly. Beautiful… usually. But once in a while, I just want to throw a big ol’ temper tantrum and say it like it is: I

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