
Thoughts on Health… Finding your Equilibrium During Fall

    Ahhh… fall. How I love you. The cooler mornings. The walks outside. Leaves swirling through the air. Loading up on firewood for the winter. My children laughing as they swing, run, play, spend more time outside than ever before. Oh, but how you hold a dark secret inside of you. You don’t fool me for one instant… I know that the cooler mornings and campfire evenings are possible because of your tilt away from the sun… and how the days are now shorter than the nights, until they are so brief we wake up to darkness and eat […]

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Thoughts On Health… my fav water filter

  You all know how I feel about fluoride. I’ve blogged here about why I avoid it in my toothpaste and why I don’t really want to be drinking it, either. In fact, as I get older and have passed the age of peak bone density (and anyone who is over the age of 30 has) I want to preserve bone mass more than ever. I really think it is important that I avoid fluoride altogether (and soy too.) Alas, this is impossible. If you eat food grown from the earth, you consume fluoride. Thanks to the government mass medicating

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Gardening Week… Awesome Reader Idea #1

I love my readers! You all are the absolute BEST. I have gotten such amazing garden photos from my readers (keep ’em coming, you know I love love love to hear from you! Email me directly at heartsong@primary-plus.com any time!) I want to share two amazing ideas from readers with you. This week is going to be all about gardening. Today, Diane shares with us a fabbo way to collect free water for you to water your garden, potted plants, container garden crops, indoor houseplants and such… rain chains!   Diane captures the action of one of her rain chains

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