
Surprising Ways Dehydration Is Killing Your Vibe Today

  I’m busy writing my upcoming Trauma Resiliency & Recovery Class, so this week I’m re-posting this article… …because where I live it’s hot as heck right now and it’s so easy to get dehydrated in that August heat! Well known as the Elixir of Life, water is absolutely critical to our well being in every way. Not only are we primarily made up of water (over 70% of our body is pure water!) but water has a healing property that goes way beyond simple hydration. Today, I want to share with you all the different ways that dehydration affects […]

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Use The Healing Power Of Water In These Unique Ways

  Well known as the Elixir of Life, water is absolutely critical to our well being in every way.   Not only are we primarily made up of water (over 70% of our body is pure water!) but water has a healing property that goes way beyond simple hydration. Today, I want to share with you all the different ways that dehydration affects our health (you might be surprised at some of these!) and also how we can use the power of water to support our Well Being from the inside out.   What Does Dehydration Feel Like?   Dehydration

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Lithium In Our Drinking Water?

Many recent studies have come out lately showing just how important the mineral lithium is to our health. And I’m all for whatever natural solutions we can find to preserve health… but not this one.   I’ll give you details below on studies that show that long term lithium use is associated with a reduced risk of dementia, and this is on top of previous studies that show that lithium may actually lower our over all lifetime risk of cancer. But adding it to the water supply, instead of just recommending lithium supplementation? Uh… no. I’m not good with that.

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Sacral Chakra Support — 5 Tips for Instant Relief

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? horrible PMS or difficult peri-menopausal symptoms infertility struggles low back pain sciatica pain chronic fatigue loss of joyful energy lack of motivation a feeling of “spinning your wheels” issues with guilt over indulgence or spending money to lift your mood decreased libido indecision over what to do next with your life uninspired mood   The sacral chakra is where your inner child lives.   Your inner child and your soul have no end to creative ideas, an abundance of energy, and joy and freedom in expressing your unique gifts.   But, if you

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Winter Checklist — are you pooping, sleeping, eating, hibernating enough?

Here are all the things I have pulled together over the years to keep me feeling my best during the darkest month of the year. And with Winter Solstice coming at the end of the week, this is the perfect time to make sure we are doing all we can to feel our best and slow down and care for our inner spark while the world sleeps on around us.   It’s okay to take these winter months slower, to tend to our inner needs more, and to make sure we are getting lots and lots of sleep. It’s not

Winter Checklist — are you pooping, sleeping, eating, hibernating enough? Read More »

Is your drinking water harming your heart?

It might be if it is fluoridated water. A study published in the journal Nuclear Medicine Communications definitively proved that fluoride is absorbed into your vascular system and that the fluoride uptake is higher in patients with cardiovascular events then it is in patients without cardiovascular event. Researchers followed 61 patients after administering fluoride and found that 96% of them had fluoride uptake in their cardiovascular walls.   After hundreds of studies have shown fluoride affects everything from cognitive function in humans to diabetes, fertility and more in animals, I recommend avoiding fluoride in water and never use fluoridated toothpastes.

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10 Things I’m Doing Right Now To Prepare For Fall

Ahhh… fall. How I love you. The cooler mornings. The walks outside. Leaves swirling through the air. Loading up on firewood for the winter. My children laughing as they swing, run, play, spend more time outside than ever before. Oh, but how you hold a dark secret inside of you. You don’t fool me for one instant… I know that the cooler mornings and campfire evenings are possible because of your tilt away from the sun… and how the days are now shorter than the nights, until they are so brief we wake up to darkness and eat dinner in

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