
My Favorite 7 Health Benefits That Women Enjoy When They Get Grounded

      There are so many wonderful reasons for women to connect with Mother Earth — and they are medically studied, with proof that the earth offers clinically significant benefits. That’s why grounding is one of my favorite recommendations to treat a variety of female health issues as well as protect future wellness. Today I wanted to run through my favorite 7 reasons I love grounding for women… just a quick overview for you along with lots of resources to dive deeper into any topic that calls to you. Please share this list with the women in your life […]

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Another Difference Between Men and Women… Found On Autopsy

Last week I wrote to you about a new medical study that shows how women and men have different cardiac responses to stress. This week, yet another difference between men and women… this time, in the brain.     Turns out, on autopsy, investigators found that there was a distinct difference between the brains of men and women in depression. There are lots of differences between depression in men and women, as we already know. These results may help explain why. It turns out, the brain literally re-wires differently during depression depending on if you are male or female: Women

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The Energy of Menopause

I’m excited to sneak in a quick video for you today… ignore the ratty hair and the horrible angle (dang, do you have to see right up my nose???) I propped my phone up on a potted plant in my bedroom to get this video done quickly while the kids were happy playing. One of these days, one of them… I promise, I will actually blow dry my hair and wear something nice and put concealer on top of my random face splotches so you can stare at something other then my under eye circles and PMS pimples while I

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Thoughts On Health… Supporting Women

I’ve felt a strong pull in my heart to support and validate and empower women lately. I feel like I am finally coming into my own… I feel like I’m finally discovering why I’m here, what I have to give… and I feel like I want to take all the women of the world right along with me, finding our voice together, hand in hand. Does that sound cheesy? As I type it, I realize it might… and yet, this is what I feel… deeply… pounding in my heart. I love being a woman and I feel so much power

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